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Requirements for Sorted Matrix Search Traits Classes


A class Sms_traits that satisfies the requirements of a traits class for the sorted matrix search algorithm has to provide the following types and operations.


The class used for representing matrices. It has to fulfill the requirements listed in section reference arrow.

typedef Matrix::Value
Value; The class used for representing the matrix elements.
An adaptable binary function class: Value × Value -> bool defining a non-reflexive total order on Value. This determines the direction of the search.

An adaptable binary function class: Value × Value -> bool defining the reflexive total order on Value corresponding to Compare_strictly.


Compare_strictly t.compare_strictly () const
returns the Compare_strictly object to be used for the search.
t.compare_non_strictly () const
returns the Compare_non_strictly object to be used for the search.
bool t.is_feasible ( const Value& a)
The predicate to determine whether an element a is feasible. It has to be monotone in the sense that compare( a, b) and is_feasible( a) imply is_feasible( b).

See Also

In section reference arrow we define an adaptor CGAL_Sorted_matrix_search_traits_adaptor to create sorted matrix search traits classes for arbitrary feasibility test and matrix classes.

Next: Class declaration of CGAL_Sorted_matrix_search_traits_adaptor<F,M>
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The CGAL Project. 22 January, 1999.