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A Traits Class Adaptor for Sorted Matrix Search

#include <CGAL/Sorted_matrix_search_traits_adaptor.h>


The class CGAL_Sorted_matrix_search_traits_adaptor<F,M> can be used as an adaptor to create sorted matrix search traits classes for arbitrary feasibility test and matrix classes F resp. M. Any proper instantiation fulfills the requirements stated in section reference arrow.

The compare operation Compare_strictly is set to less<M::Value> and Compare_non_strictly accordingly to less_equal<M::Value>.


  1. M has to fulfill the requirements listed in section reference arrow and
  2. F has to define a copy constructor and a monotone bool operator()( const Value&).


CGAL_Sorted_matrix_search_traits_adaptor<F,M> t ( const F& m);
initializes t to use m for feasibility testing.

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The CGAL Project. 22 January, 1999.