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The coordinate type of the points of the polygon (i.e. the field type).

The point type on which the polygon algorithms operate.

The segment type on which the polygon algorithms operate.

The vector type on which the polygon algorithms operate.

Binary predicate object type comparing Point_2s lexicographically. Must provide bool operator()(Point_2 p, Point_2 q) where true is returned iff p <xy q. We have p<xyq, iff px < qx or px = qx and py < qy, where px and py denote x and y coordinate of point p resp.

Same as Less_xy with the roles of x and y interchanged.


Traits traits;
Default constructor.

Traits traits ( t);
Copy constructor.


traits.lexicographically_xy_smaller ( Point_2 p,
Point_2 q)
Returns true iff px < qx or px = qx and py < qy.
traits.lexicographically_yx_smaller_or_equal ( Point_2 p,
Point_2 q)
Returns true iff py <=qy or py = qy and px <=qx.
FT traits.cross_product_2 ( Vector_2 p, Vector_2 q)
Returns px qy - py qx.
traits.determinant_2 ( Point_2 p,
Point_2 q,
Point_2 r)
Returns (px-qx)(qy-ry) - (py-qy)(qx-rx).
int traits.sign ( FT x)

Returns -1 if x < 0, 0 if x = 0 and 1 if x > 0

bool traits.is_negative ( FT x)
Returns true iff x<0.
traits.do_intersect ( Point_2 p1,
Point_2 q1,
Point_2 p2,
Point_2 q2)
Returns true iff the segments [p1,q1] and [p2,q2] intersect.
CGAL_Orientation traits.orientation ( Point_2 p, Point_2 q, Point_2 r)
Returns CGAL_LEFTTURN, if r lies to the left of the oriented line l defined by p and q, returns CGAL_RIGHTTURN if r lies to the right of l, and returns CGAL_COLLINEAR if r lies on l.
traits.compare_x ( Point_2 p, Point_2 q)

Returns CGAL_SMALLER if p_x < q_x, CGAL_EQUAL if p_x = q_x and CGAL_LARGER if p_x > q_x

traits.compare_y ( Point_2 p, Point_2 q)

Returns CGAL_SMALLER if p_y < q_y, CGAL_EQUAL if p_y = q_y and CGAL_LARGER if p_y > q_y

traits.have_equal_direction ( Vector_2 v1,
Vector_2 v2)
Returns true iff the vectors v1 and v2 have the same direction.

Next: Class declaration of CGAL_Polygon_traits_2<R>
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The CGAL Project. 22 January, 1999.