Here are the postscript and pdf files for the handouts. You need a postscript viewer
such as ghostview or a pdf viewer such as acroread in order to view them. Hardcopies will
be distributed in the class and sent to SITN students via mail. Hardcopies will also be
available in Gates 377, in a file cabinet marked `CS368'. If these copies run out,
please notify the course secretary Mina
- Handout 1. Course Information (ps,
pdf) (30 March '99)
- Handout 2. Additional Course Information (ps, pdf) (6 April
- Handout 3. Homework Assignment 1 (ps, pdf) (13 April '99)
- Handout 4. Homework Assignment 2 (ps, pdf) (27 April '99)
- Handout 5. Solution 1 (ps, pdf) (4 May '99)
- Handout 6. Homework Assignment 3 (ps, pdf) (11 May '99)
- Handout 7. Solution 2 (ps, pdf) (13 May '99)
- Handout 8. Midterm(20 May '99)
- Handout 9. Midterm solution(20 May'99)
- Handout 10. An implementation of convex hull algorithm(ps,
pdf)(25 May'99)
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