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At the bottom level, a vertex stores a point and a provides access to one of its incident face through a void * pointer.


Must be the same as the point type Gt::Point defined by the geometric traits class of the triangulation.


Vertex_base v;
Default constructor.

Vertex_base v ( Point p);
Construct a vertex embedded in point p.

Vertex_base v ( Point p, void* f);
Construct a vertex embedded in point p and pointing on face *f.

Access Functions

Point v.point () Returns the point.
void* v.face () A pointer to an incident face.


void v.set_point ( Point p)
Sets the point.
void v.set_face ( void* f)
Sets the incident face.


bool v.is_valid () To perform any required geometrical test on a vertex.

Next: Class declaration of Face_base
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The CGAL Project. 22 January, 1999.