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Face_base f;
Default constructor.

Face_base f ( void* v0, void* v1, void* v2);
Constructor setting the incident vertices.

Face_base f ( void* v0, void* v1, void* v2, void* n0, void* n1, void* n2);
Constructor setting the incident vertices and the neighboring faces.

Access Functions

bool f.is_constrained ( int i)
Returns true if the edge between fand its neighbor \ccVar.neighbor(i is constrained.
Precondition: 0<=i <=2.


void f.set_constraint ( int i, bool b)
Sets the edge between fand its \ccVar.neighbor(i) as a constrained or unconstrained edge according to b.
void f.set_constraints ( bool c0, bool c1, bool c2)
Sets the status (constrained or unconstrained) of the three edges of f.


begin of advanced section

bool f.is_valid () Calls F::is_valid() and additionally checks if the edges of fare consistently marked as constrained or unconstrained edges in face fand its neighbors.

end of advanced section

Next: Class declaration of CGAL_Constrained_triangulation_2_demo<T>
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The CGAL Project. 22 January, 1999.