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A class Tds<Vb,Fb> that satisfies the requirements for a triangulation traits class must provide the following types and operations.

Requirement for this type are described in section reference arrow.

Requirements for this type are described in described reference arrow.

The following iterators allow to visit all the vertices, edges and faces of the triangulation data structure. They are all bidirectional, non mutable iterators.


The following circulators allow to visit all the vertices, edges and faces incident to a given vertex. They are all bidirectional and non mutable.



Tds<Vb,Fb> tds;
A default constructor.

Tds<Vb,Fb> tds ( Vertex* v);
Introduces a triangulation data structure tds that is initialized with a set of vertices and faces that are linked to vertex v. If v has no incident face the triangulation consists only of v. Otherwise v must be the vertex at infinity.

Tds<Vb,Fb> tds ( Tds tds1);
Copy constructor. All the vertices and faces are duplicated.

Tds tds = Tds tds1 Assignation. All the vertices and faces are duplicated.
void tds.swap ( Tds &tds1)
Swap tds and tds1. Should be preferred to tds= tds1 or tds(tds1) when tds1 is deleted after that.
void \ccTilde{ tds.\ccVar} () Destructor. All vertices and faces are deleted.

Access Functions

int tds.dimension () The dimension of the convex hull.
int tds.number_of_vertices ()
The number of finite vertices.

Finite and Infinite Vertices and Faces

bool tds.is_infinite ( Vertex* v)
true, iff vertex *v is the infinite_vertex.
bool tds.is_infinite ( Face* f)
true, iff one of the vertices of *f is the infinite_vertex.
bool tds.is_infinite ( Face* f, int i)
true, iff one of the vertices cw(i) or ccw(i) of face *f is the infinite_vertex.
bool tds.is_infinite ( Edge e)
true, iff one of the vertices of edge e is the infinite_vertex.
bool tds.is_infinite ( Edge_circulator& ec)
true, iff one of the vertices of edge e is the infinite_vertex.
bool tds.is_infinite ( Edge_iterator& ei e)
true, iff one of the vertices of edge *ei is the infinite_vertex.
Face* tds.infinite_face ()
A face incident to the infinite_vertex.
Vertex* tds.infinite_vertex ()
The infinite vertex.
Vertex* tds.finite_vertex ()
A vertex different from the infinite_vertex.


void tds.set_number_of_vertices ( int n)
void tds.set_finite_vertex ( Vertex* v)
void tds.set_infinite_vertex ( Vertex* v)


The following modifier member functions guarantee the combinatorial validity of the resulting triangulation.

void tds.flip ( Face* f, int i)
Exchange the edge incident to *f and f->neighbor(i) with the other diagonal of the quadrilateral formed by f and f->neighbor(i).


void tds.insert_first ( Vertex* v)
Insert the first finite vertex .
void tds.insert_second ( Vertex* v)
Insert the second finite vertex .
void tds.insert_in_face ( Vertex* v, Face* f)
Insert vertex v in face f. Face f is modified, two new faces are created


void tds.insert_on_edge ( Vertex* v, Face* f, int i)
Insert vertex v in edge i of f*
tds.insert_collinear_outside ( Vertex * v,
Face * loc,
int li)
insert in a 1 dimensional triangulation a vertex which is collinear to the triangulation and outside the convex hull. loc->vertex(li) is the vertex of the triangulation closest to v.
void tds.remove_degree_3 ( Vertex* v, Face *f=NULL)
remove a vertex of degree 3. Two of the incident faces are destroyed, the third one is modified. If parameter f is specified, it has to be a face incident to v and will be the modified face.
Precondition: Vertex v is a finite vertex with degree 3 and, if specified, face f is incident to v.
void tds.remove_second ( Vertex* v)
remove the before last finite vertex.
void tds.remove_first ( Vertex* v)
remove the last finite vertex.
void tds.clear () Delete all faces and all finite vertices.

Traversing the triangulation

Face_iterator tds.faces_begin ()
Face_iterator tds.faces_end ()
Vertex_iterator tds.vertices_begin ()
Vertex_iterator tds.vertices_end ()
Edge_iterator tds.edges_begin ()
Edge_iterator tds.edges_end ()


int tds.ccw ( int i) Returns i+1 modulo 3.
Precondition: 0<=i <=2.
int ( int i) Returns i+2 modulo 3.
Precondition: 0<=i <=2.
int tds.number_of_faces ()
Returns the number of finite faces.
bool tds.is_valid () Check the combinatorial validity of the triangulation.

Next: Class declaration of Tds::Vertex
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The CGAL Project. 22 January, 1999.