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The Face Class of a triangulation


A face of a triangulation gives access to its three vertices indexed 0,1, and 2 in counterclockwise order and to its three adjacent faces, also called neighbors. The neighbors are indexed in such a way that neighbor i lies opposite to vertex i.

Inherits From



The class Face defines the same types as the class Triangulation_2<Gt,Tds> except the iterators and circulators which are not needed.


begin of advanced section

For user defined triangulation algorithms, faces need to be explicitly constructed and linked to their neighbors.

Face f;
Introduces a variable f and initializes all vertices and neighbors with NULL.

Face f ( Vertex_handle v0, Vertex_handle v1, Vertex_handle v2);
Introduces a variable f, and initializes the vertices. The neighbors are initialized with NULL.

Face f ( Vertex_handle v0,
Vertex_handle v1,
Vertex_handle v2,
{Face_handle} n0,
{Face_handle} n1,
{Face_handle} n2);
Introduces a variable f, and initializes the vertices and the neighbors.

end of advanced section


begin of advanced section

void f.set_vertex ( int i, Vertex_handle v)
Set vertex i to be v.
Precondition: 0<=i <=2.
void f.set_neighbor ( int i, {Face_handle} n)
Set neighbor i to be n.
Precondition: 0<=i <=2.
void f.set_vertices () Set vertices to NULL
void f.set_neighbors () Set neighbors to NULL
f.set_vertices ( Vertex_handle v0,
Vertex_handle v1,
Vertex_handle v2)
f.set_neighbors ( {Face_handle} n0,
{Face_handle} n1,
{Face_handle} n2)

end of advanced section

Vertex Access Functions

Vertex_handle f.vertex ( int i) Returns the vertex i of f.
Precondition: 0<=i <=2.
int f.index ( Vertex_handle v)
Returns the index of vertex v in f.
Precondition: v is a vertex of f
bool f.has_vertex ( Vertex_handle v)
Returns true if v is a vertex of f.
bool f.has_vertex ( Vertex_handle v, int& i)
Returns true if v is a vertex of f, and computes the index i of the vertex.

Neighbor Access Functions

The neighbor with index i is the neighbor which is opposite to the vertex with index i.

{Face_handle} f.neighbor ( int i)
Returns the neighbor i of f.
Precondition: 0<=i <=2.
int f.index ( {Face_handle} n)
Returns the index of face n.
Precondition: n is a neighbor of f.
bool f.has_neighbor ( {Face_handle} n)
Returns true if n is a neighbor of f.
bool f.has_neighbor ( {Face_handle} n, int& i)
Returns true if n is a neighbor of f, and compute the index i of the neighbor.


int f.ccw ( int i) Returns i+1 modulo 3.
Precondition: 0<=i <=2.
int ( int i) Returns i+2 modulo 3.
Precondition: 0<=i <=2.
{Face_handle} f.handle () Returns a handle to the face.
bool f.is_valid () Check the validity of an individual face: i.e. the pointers to the incident vertices and neighboring faces and call the is_valid() function of the base class to perform any geometric test provided by the user therein.

Next: Class declaration of Geom_traits
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The CGAL Project. 22 January, 1999.