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An object of the class CGAL_Segment_tree_k is a k-dimensional segment tree that can store k-dimensional intervals of type Interval. The class allows to perform window queries on the keys. The class CGAL_Segment_tree_k is parameterized with a segment tree traits class Traits that defines, among other things, the type of the Interval.

CGAL provides traits class implementations that allow to use the segment tree with point classes from the CGAL kernel as keys. These classes are presented in Section reference arrow. In Section reference arrow we give the requirements that segment tree traits classes must fulfill. This allows the advanced user to develop further segment tree traits classes.

#include <CGAL/Segment_tree_k.h>


the type of the segment tree traits class.

typedef Traits::Key
typedef Traits::Interval


CGAL_Segment_tree_k<Traits> S;
Introduces an empty segment tree S.

template < class ForwardIterator >
CGAL_Segment_tree_k<Traits> S (
ForwardIterator first,
ForwardIterator last);
Introduces a segment tree S and initializes it with the data in the range [first, last).
Precondition: value_type(first) == Traits::Interval.


template < class ForwardIterator >
S.make_tree (
ForwardIterator first,
ForwardIterator last)
Introduces a segment tree S and initializes it with the data in the range [first, last). This function can only be applied once on an empty segment tree.
Precondition: value_type(first) == Traits::Interval.
template < class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator S.window_query ( Interval window, OutputIterator out)
writes all intervals that have non empty intersection with interval window to the container where out points to, and returns an output iterator that points to the last location the function wrote to.
Precondition: value_type(out) == Traits::Interval.
template < class OutputIterator >
S.enclosing_query (
Interval window,
OutputIterator out)
writes all intervals that enclose in the interval window to the container where out points to, and returns an output iterator that points to the last location the function wrote to.
Precondition: value_type(out) == Traits::Interval.


The following piece of code creates some 2-dimensional intervals and constructs a 2-dimensional segment tree for these data. Then a window query and an enclosing query is performed. The result is written to standard output.

#include <CGAL/Homogeneous.h>
#include <CGAL/Point_2.h>
#include <CGAL/Segment_tree_k.h>
#include <CGAL/Range_segment_tree_traits.h>

typedef CGAL_Cartesian<double> Rep;
typedef CGAL_Range_segment_tree_traits_2<Rep> Traits;
typedef CGAL_Segment_tree_2<Traits > Segment_tree_2_type;

int main()
  typedef Traits::Key Key;              /* is a CGAL_Point_2<Rep> */
  typedef Traits::Interval Interval;  /* is a pair<Key,Key> */
  list<Interval> InputList, OutputList, N;

  InputList.push_back(Interval(Key(1,5), Key(2,7)));
  InputList.push_back(Interval(Key(2,7), Key(3,8)));
  InputList.push_back(Interval(Key(6,9), Key(9,13)));
  InputList.push_back(Interval(Key(1,3), Key(3,9)));
  Segment_tree_2_type Segment_tree_2(InputList.begin(), InputList.end());

  Interval a(Key(3,6), Key(7,12));

  /* output of the query elements on stdout */
  list<Interval>::iterator j = OutputList.begin();
  cout << "\n window_query \n";
    cout << (*j).first.x() << "-" << (*j).second.x() << " " 
         << (*j).first.y() << "-" << (*j++).second.y() << endl; 
  Interval b(Key(6,10),Key(7,11));
  cout << "\n enclosing_query \n";
    cout << (*j).first.x() << "-" << (*j).second.x() << " " 
         << (*j).first.y() << "-" << (*j++).second.y() << endl; 

Next: Class declaration of CGAL_Range_segment_tree_traits_set_2<R>
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The CGAL Project. 22 January, 1999.