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Boolean Operations Traits Class Requirements (Traits)


A common object type like CGAL_object. The ''real'' objects (e.g. Output_polygon, Segment, Point, ...) are mapped into Object using the member function Make_object (see below to the operations description).

The point type on which the boolean operations algorithms operate. It should represent a two dimensional point with coordinates of type R::NT. The type must provide a copy constructor, an assignment, and an equality test. Furthermore a constructor for cartesian coordinates (Point(R::NT,R::NT)), a constructor for homogeneous coordinates (Point(R::NT,R::NT,R::NT)), and the operations R::NT Point::x() and R::NT Point::y() are needed, which returns the value of the x- or y -coordinate, respectively. This point type represents the vertices of segments, triangles, iso-oriented rectangles, and polygons, which occur as possible results of a boolean operation.

Line segment type. It should represent a two dimensional segment defined by the two extremal points of type Point. The type must provide a copy constructor, an assignment, and an equality test. Furthermore a constructor by two points ( Segment(Point,Point)) will be needed.

The type of triangles on which boolean operations can be performed. It should represent a triangle in two dimensional Euclidean space with vertices of type Point. The type must provide a copy constructor, an assignment, and an equality test. Furthermore a constructor by three points (Triangle(Point,Point,Point)) will be needed.

The type of iso-oriented rectangles on which boolean operations can be performed. It should represent an iso-oriented rectangle in two dimensional Euclidean space with vertices of type Point. The type must provide a copy constructor, an assignment, and an equality test. Furthermore a constructor by three points ( Iso_rectangle(Point,Point,Point)) will be needed.

The type of polygons on which boolean operations will be performed (i.e. Input_polygon, there also exists an Output_polygon). This type should represent a simple polygon in two dimensional Euclidean space with vertices of type Point. Usually it is based on Container. The type must provide a copy constructor, an assignment, and an equality test.

A (const) vertex forward iterator for Polygon.

typedef Polygon Input_polygon;
The resulting polygon type. Usually based on Output_polygon_container. This type must represent a simple polygon in two dimensional Euclidean space with vertices of type Point.

A bounding box type used internally in the computation of boolean operations. The type must provide an equality test.

The container in which points of type Point are stored for further use in polygons on which boolean operations are to be performed (Input_polygon_container). Note: The only usage of Container is to define Polygon.

typedef Container Input_polygon_container;
The container in which points of type Point are stored for further use in polygons (Output_polygon) which result by performing boolean operations. Note: The only usage of Output_polygon_container is to define Output_polygon.

The container in which objects of type Object are stored. This container represents the result of a boolean operation, since each resulting object (e.g. Output_Polygon, Segment, ...) is mapped into a Object. and afterwards stored into a container of this type Output_object_container. It must provide a operation Output_object_container::push_back(Object).


Traits<R> bops_traits;
default constructor


bool bops_traits.do_overlap ( Bbox a, Bbox b)
returns true iff the boxes do overlap.
bool bops_traits.box_is_contained_in_box ( Bbox a, Bbox b)
returns true iff a is contained in b, entirely.
bool bops_traits.is_equal ( Point p1, Point p2)
returns true iff the value of p1 is equal to the value of p2.
bool bops_traits.less_x ( Point p1, Point p2)
returns true iff the x-coordinate of p1 is smaller than that of p2.
bops_traits.is_leftturn ( Point p0,
Point p1,
Point p2)
returns true iff p2 lies on the left of the oriented line through p0 and p1.
Object bops_traits.Make_object ( Point p)
maps Point into Object and returns it.
Object bops_traits.Make_object ( Segment p)
maps Segment into Object and returns it.
Object bops_traits.Make_object ( Output_polygon p)
maps Output_polygon into Object and returns it.
Object bops_traits.Make_object ( Iso_rectangle p)
maps Iso_rectangle into Object and returns it.
Object bops_traits.Make_object ( Triangle p)
Maps Triangle into Object and returns it.
Bbox bops_traits.get_Bbox ( Polygon pgon)
returns the bounding box of Polygon.
bops_traits.has_on_bounded_side ( Polygon pgon,
Point pt)
returns true iff point pt lies on the bounded side of polygon pgon.
void bops_traits.reverse_orientation(); ( Polygon& pgon)
reverses the orientation of polygon pgon.
bops_traits.most_left_vertex ( Polygon pgon)
returns the most left vertex of polygon pgon.

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The CGAL Project. 22 January, 1999.