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Boolean Operations in 2D


CGAL provides boolean operations for polytopes in the 2-dimensional Euclidean space. The functions described in the next section apply to two simple polygons. Both boundary and interior are considered as part of a polygon. Boolean operations on polygons are therefore not limited to operations on the boundary of the objects. The functions described in this chapter allow to perform the purely geometric operations intersection, union, and difference on two polygons in the 2-dimensional Euclidean space. They should not be confused with the regularised operations in the context of solid modeling.

A clear distinction should be made between two sorts of functions described in this chapter. Some operations perform an intersection test without computing the actual result of the intersection. Other operations perform a boolean operation (intersection, union, or difference): they explicitly compute and return the result of the boolean operation on two polygons.

Note that particular classes of polytopes are not closed under boolean operations. For instance, the union of two simple polygons is not necessarily a simple polygon, or the intersection of two triangles is not necessarily a triangle.

All functions described below are template functions. Some are parameterized only by the representation type (denoted by R), others are parameterized with a traits class (denoted by Traits). Where we use polygons of type CGAL_Polygon_2 the functions are parameterized by a representation type (denoted by R) and container (denoted by Container), as it is the case for CGAL_Polygon_2. For more details we refer to the description of CGAL_Polygon_2. In a boolean operations traits class some types and functions needed for the computation of boolean operations are defined. We provide a default version of the traits class for boolean operations, which we describe in detail below. So the user need not (but can if desired) provide ones own boolean operations traits class.

Note: The current version of boolean operations is robust only when exact arithmetic, for instance CGAL_Cartesian<CGAL_Rational>, is used. In nearly degenerate configurations, correct results are not guaranteed when floating point numbers are used.

Boolean Operations on Polygons


Boolean operations are provided for two simple polygons (for the definition of simple polygons, see Chapter 2.1

). A triangle and an iso-oriented rectangle clearly are special cases of simple polygons.

A polygon on which the boolean operations can be performed can be stored in one of the following CGAL-objects:

We consider polygons as being closed and filled objects, i.e. we consider both its boundary and its interior. The edge cycle of the polygon will be referred to explicitly as the polygon boundary. For boolean operations the distinction between the interior and the exterior of a polygon is determined by the order of its vertices.

The result of an intersection test is one of the boolean values true or false. The result of an intersection, union, or difference can be empty, a single object, or several objects. An object can be a point, a segment, a triangle, an iso-oriented rectangle, a polygon, or a polygon with one or several holes.

There, where the result cannot be more than one object, the corresponding function returns a possibly empty object. In all other cases the functions return a possibly empty sequence of objects.

Note that whenever we refer to a ``sequence'' of objects we actually mean a collection of objects independent of the way in which they are stored. We provide a mechanism which allows the user to define the type of ``sequence'' in which the output will be stored (the template OutputIterator, see further for details).

Vertices of input polygons must be ordered counterclockwise. Vertices of output polygons are ordered counterclockwise. However, vertices of polygons representing holes (as part of the output) are ordered clockwise. For instance, if the result of a boolean operation is a polygon with some holes, then this result will be represented as a sequence of polygons, where the first one representing the outer boundary of the contour is ordered counterclockwise and the following ones representing the inner contours (holes) are ordered clockwise.

For two simple polygons A and B, the boolean operations are defined:

  • [Intersection test] of two polygons (CGAL_do_intersect(A,B)): This checks if the two polygons A and B do intersect without computing the intersection area. It returns true if the polygons A and B do intersect, otherwise false will be returned.

  • [Intersection] of two polygons (CGAL_intersection(A,B)): It performs the operation C:=A \cap B and returns the result C as a maybe empty sequence of objects (CGAL_Object), i.e. a sequence containing objects of type CGAL_Point_2, CGAL_Segment_2, and CGAL_Polygon_2. When A and B are both triangles (CGAL_Triangle_2) or when A and B are both iso-oriented rectangles (CGAL_Iso_rectangle) the result can only be a single object and therefore the intersection will return a CGAL_Object instead of a sequence of objects.

  • [Union] of two polygons ( CGAL_union(A,B)): It performs the operation C:=A \cup B and returns the result C as a maybe empty sequence of objects (CGAL_Object), i.e. a sequence containing objects of type CGAL_Polygon_2. The first polygon gives the counterclockwise-ordered outer boundary of the contour of the union and the following polygons (if existing) define the inner clockwise-ordered contours (the holes). If A \cap B is exactly one point (a vertex of at least one of the two input polygons), the union returns one non-simple polygon. If A \cap B is empty, then a sequence will be returned consisting of A and B both represented as polygons with counterclockwise ordered contour.

  • [Difference] of two polygons (CGAL_difference(A,B)): This performs the operation C:=A \ interior(B) and returns the result C as a maybe empty sequence of objects (CGAL_Object), i.e. a sequence containing objects of type CGAL_Point_2, CGAL_Segment_2, and CGAL_Polygon_2. If A \cap B is empty then A will be returned. If A \cap B = A (i.e. A subset or equal B), then the empty sequence will be returned. If A \cap B = B (i.e. B subset or equal A, that means B is a hole of A), then a sequence containing (two) objects (A,B) of type CGAL_Polygon_2 will be returned, where the second one represents a hole and has clockwise order.
  • Parameters

    The boolean operations described in the following have one or more template parameters. The number of template parameters as well as the type of template parameters differs for the different operations. Here we give a list of all template parameters which might occur and some explanation of where they stand for.


    A value for the template parameter Traits is a boolean operations traits class. We provide a standard boolean operations traits class for convenience to the user, but the user can define ones own traits class as well. For more details about boolean operations traits classes look at the table in the following paragraph on Types, and in the section on the standard traits class (reference arrow).


    This template parameter defines the representation class[^1]. Common examples of R are: CGAL_Cartesian<double>, CGAL_Homogeneous<float>, or CGAL_Cartesian<CGAL_Rational>.


    The container type Container for a polygon. The user must pre-instantiate this for instance by list<CGAL_Point_2<CGAL_Cartesian<CGAL_Rational> > >.


    The type of the iterator pointing to the container in which the output is stored: OutputIterator. The user must pre-instantiate this for instance by list<Object>::const_iterator.


    The type of the iterator pointing to the container in which the input is stored: ForwardIterator. The user must pre-instantiate this for instance by list<Point>::const_iterator.

    In the table below we describe the types which are defined in a boolean operations traits class. Such a traits class contains the most important type definitions used in the algorithms. These types can be changed by the user, if needed. In the first column of the table the types present in a boolean operations traits class are listed. In the second column a brief description of the respective types is given, and in the third column the default value for each of the types in given as they are defined in the standard boolean operations traits class. For more details on the standard boolean operations traits class we refer to Section reference arrow. \begincenter

    \hline type description standard
    \hline \hline


    2D point CGAL_Point_2<R> >
    \hline Traits::Segment 2D segment CGAL_Segment_2<R> >
    \hline Traits::Triangle 2D triangle CGAL_Triangle_2<R >
    \hline Traits::Iso_rectangle 2D iso-oriented rectangle CGAL_Iso_rectangle_2<R >
    \hline Traits::Container container type for polygon list<CGAL_Point_2<R> >
    \hline Traits::Polygon 2D polygon CGAL_Polygon_2<CGAL_Polygon_traits_2<R>, Container >


    Operations on 2D Iso rectangles

    #include <CGAL/bops_Iso_rectangle_2.h>

    template <class R>
    CGAL_do_intersect ( CGAL_Iso_rectangle_2<R> A,
    CGAL_Iso_rectangle_2<R> B)
    returns true if the iso-oriented rectangles A and B do intersect.

    template <class R, class OutputIterator>
    CGAL_intersection ( CGAL_Iso_rectangle_2<R> A,
    CGAL_Iso_rectangle_2<R> B,
    OutputIterator object_it)
    computes the intersection of two iso-oriented rectangles and places the resulting object of type CGAL_Object in a container of the type corresponding to the output iterator ( OutputIterator) object_it which points to the resulting object. The function returns an output iterator ( OutputIterator) pointing to the position beyond the end of the container. Each object part of the output is either a point ( CGAL_Point_2), or a segment (CGAL_Segment_2), or an iso-oriented rectangle (CGAL_Iso_rectangle_2). In case of an empty intersection no objects are put into the output operator.

    template <class R, class OutputIterator>
    CGAL_union ( CGAL_Iso_rectangle_2<R> A,
    CGAL_Iso_rectangle_2<R> B,
    OutputIterator list_of_objects_it)
    computes the union of two iso-oriented rectangles and places all resulting objects as a sequence of objects of type CGAL_Object in a container of type corresponding to the type of output iterator (OutputIterator) list_of_objects_it which points to the first object in the sequence. The function returns an output iterator ( OutputIterator) pointing to the position beyond the end of the sequence. The sequence may contain an iso-oriented rectangle ( CGAL_Iso_rectangle_2), or a simple polygon ( CGAL_Polygon_2), or two iso-oriented rectangles ( CGAL_Iso_rectangle_2, in case A \cap B is empty).

    template <class R, class OutputIterator>
    CGAL_difference ( CGAL_Iso_rectangle_2<R> A,
    CGAL_Iso_rectangle_2<R> B,
    OutputIterator list_of_objects_it)
    computes the difference (A \ B) of two iso-oriented rectangles and places the resulting objects as CGAL_Object in a container of type corresponding to the type of output iterator (OutputIterator) list_of_objects_it which points to the first object in the sequence. The function returns an output iterator (OutputIterator) pointing to the position beyond the end of the sequence. Each object is either a simple polygon ( CGAL_Polygon_2) or an iso-oriented rectangle ( CGAL_Iso_rectangle_2). If B \supseteq A no object will be put into the output iterator.

    Operations on 2D Triangles

    #include <CGAL/bops_Triangle_2.h>

    template <class R>
    CGAL_do_intersect ( CGAL_Triangle_2<R> A,
    CGAL_Triangle_2<R> B)
    returns true if the triangles A and B do intersect.

    template <class R, class OutputIterator>
    CGAL_intersection ( CGAL_Triangle_2<R> A,
    CGAL_Triangle_2<R> B,
    OutputIterator object_it)
    computes the intersection of two triangles and places the resulting object of type CGAL_Object in a container of the type corresponding to the output iterator (OutputIterator) object_it which points to the resulting object. The function returns an output iterator (OutputIterator) pointing to the position beyond the end of the container. The resulting object is either a point (CGAL_Point_2), or a segment ( CGAL_Segment_2), or a triangle (CGAL_Triangle_2), or a convex polygon (CGAL_Polygon_2 with is_convex() == true). In case of an empty intersection no object is put into the output operator.

    template <class R, class OutputIterator>
    CGAL_union ( CGAL_Triangle_2<R> A,
    CGAL_Triangle_2<R> B,
    OutputIterator list_of_objects_it)
    computes the union of two triangles and places all resulting objects as a sequence of objects of type CGAL_Object in a container of type corresponding to the type of output iterator ( OutputIterator) list_of_objects_it which points to the first object in the sequence. The function returns an output iterator (OutputIterator) pointing to the position beyond the end of the sequence. The sequence may contain a triangle ( CGAL_Triangle_2), or a simple polygon (CGAL_Polygon_2 ), or two triangles (CGAL_Polygon_2, in case A \cap B is empty).

    template <class R, class OutputIterator>
    CGAL_difference ( CGAL_Triangle_2<R> A,
    CGAL_Triangle_2<R> B,
    OutputIterator list_of_objects_it)
    Computes the difference (A \ B) of two triangles and places all resulting objects as a sequence of objects of type CGAL_Object in a container of type corresponding to the type of output iterator (OutputIterator) list_of_objects_it which points to the first object in the sequence. It returns an output iterator (OutputIterator) pointing to position beyond the end of the sequence. Each object in the sequence is either a triangle (CGAL_Triangle_2), or a simple polygon (CGAL_Polygon_2). If B \supseteq A no object will be put into the output iterator.

    Operations on 2D Polygons

    #include <CGAL/bops_Polygon_2.h>

    template <class R, class Container>
    CGAL_do_intersect ( CGAL_Polygon_2<CGAL_Polygon_traits_2<R>,Container> A,
    CGAL_Polygon_2<CGAL_Polygon_traits_2<R>,Container> B)
    returns true if the polygons A and B do intersect.
    Precondition: A and B simple polygons, their vertices are in counterclockwise order.

    template <class R, class Container, class OutputIterator>
    CGAL_intersection ( CGAL_Polygon_2<CGAL_Polygon_traits_2<R>,Container> A,
    CGAL_Polygon_2<CGAL_Polygon_traits_2<R>,Container> B,
    OutputIterator list_of_objects_it)
    computes the intersection of two simple polygons and places all resulting objects as a sequence of objects of type CGAL_Object in a container of type corresponding to the type of output iterator (OutputIterator) list_of_objects_it which points to the first object in the sequence. The function returns an output iterator ( OutputIterator) pointing to the position beyond the end of the sequence. In case of an empty intersection no objects are put into the output operator.
    Precondition: A and B simple polygons, their vertices are in counterclockwise order.

    template <class R, class Container, class OutputIterator>
    CGAL_union ( CGAL_Polygon_2<CGAL_Polygon_traits_2<R>,Container> A,
    CGAL_Polygon_2<CGAL_Polygon_traits_2<R>,Container> B,
    OutputIterator list_of_objects_it)
    computes the union of two simple polygons and places all resulting objects as a sequence of objects of type CGAL_Object in a container of type corresponding to the type of output iterator ( OutputIterator) list_of_objects_it which points to the first object in the sequence. The function returns an output iterator (OutputIterator) pointing to the position beyond the end of the sequence.
    Precondition: A and B are simple polygons, their vertices are in counterclockwise order.

    template <class R, class Container, class OutputIterator>
    CGAL_difference ( CGAL_Polygon_2<CGAL_Polygon_traits_2<R>,Container> A,
    CGAL_Polygon_2<CGAL_Polygon_traits_2<R>,Container> B,
    OutputIterator list_of_objects_it)
    computes the difference of two simple polygons (A \ B) and places the resulting object as CGAL_Object in a container of type corresponding to the type of output iterator ( OutputIterator) list_of_objects_it which points to the first object in the sequence. The function returns an output iterator (OutputIterator) pointing to the position beyond the end of the sequence. The difference can be empty in which case no object will be put in the output iterator.
    Precondition: A and B simple polygons, their vertices are in counterclockwise order.

    Operations on 2D Polygons defined by containers

    #include <CGAL/bops_Container_Polygon_2.h>

    template <class ForwardIterator, class Traits>
    CGAL_do_intersect ( ForwardIterator Afirst,
    ForwardIterator Alast,
    ForwardIterator Bfirst,
    ForwardIterator Blast,
    Traits &)
    with polygon A of type Traits::Polygon defined by the vertices of type Traits::Point in the range [Afirst,Alast) and for polygon B of type Traits::Polygon defined by the vertices of type Traits::Point in the range [Bfirst,Blast). It returns true if the polygons A and B do intersect.
    Precondition: A and B simple polygons, their vertices are in counterclockwise order.

    template <class ForwardIterator, class OutputIterator, class Traits>
    CGAL_intersection ( ForwardIterator Afirst,
    ForwardIterator Alast,
    ForwardIterator Bfirst,
    ForwardIterator Blast,
    Traits &,
    OutputIterator list_of_objects_it)
    with polygon A of type Traits::Polygon defined by the vertices of type Traits::Point in the range [Afirst,Alast) and with polygon B of type Traits::Polygon defined by the vertices of type Traits::Point in the range [Bfirst,Blast), computes the intersection of two simple polygons and places all resulting objects as a sequence of objects of type CGAL_Object in a container of type corresponding to the type of output iterator (OutputIterator) list_of_objects_it which points to the first object in the sequence. The function returns an output iterator ( OutputIterator) pointing to the position beyond the end of the sequence. In case of an empty intersection no objects are put into the output operator. If an object in the sequence to which the output iterator refers is a polygon, then this polygon is of type Traits::Polygon with vertices of type Traits::Point and container Traits::Container.
    Precondition: A and B simple polygons, their vertices are in counterclockwise order.

    template <class ForwardIterator, class OutputIterator, class Traits>
    CGAL_union ( ForwardIterator Afirst,
    ForwardIterator Alast,
    ForwardIterator Bfirst,
    ForwardIterator Blast,
    Traits &,
    OutputIterator list_of_objects_it)
    with polygon A of type Traits::Polygon defined by the vertices of type Traits::Point in the range [Afirst,Alast) and with polygon B of type Traits::Polygon defined by the vertices of type Traits::Point in the range [Bfirst,Blast). Computes the union of two simple polygons (A \cup B) and places all resulting objects as a sequence of objects of type CGAL_Object in a container of type corresponding to the type of output iterator (OutputIterator) list_of_objects_it which points to the first object in the sequence. It returns an output iterator (OutputIterator) pointing to position beyond the end of the sequence. If an object in the sequence to which the output iterator refers is a polygon, then this polygon is of type Traits::Polygon with vertices of type Traits::Point and container Traits::Container .
    Precondition: A and B simple polygons, their vertices are in counterclockwise order.

    template <class ForwardIterator, class OutputIterator, class Traits>
    CGAL_difference ( ForwardIterator Afirst,
    ForwardIterator Alast,
    ForwardIterator Bfirst,
    ForwardIterator Blast,
    Traits &,
    OutputIterator list_of_objects_it)
    with polygon A of type Traits::Polygon defined by the vertices of type Traits::Point in the range [Afirst,Alast) and with polygon B of type Traits::Polygon defined by the vertices of type Traits::Point in the range [Bfirst,Blast), computes the difference of two simple polygons (A \ B) and places all resulting objects of type CGAL_Object in a container of type corresponding to the type of output iterator ( OutputIterator) list_of_objects_it which points to the first object in the sequence. The function returns an output iterator (OutputIterator) pointing to the position beyond the end of the sequence. The difference can be empty in which case no object will be put in the output iterator. If an object in the sequence to which the output iterator refers is a polygon, then this polygon is of type Traits::Polygon with vertices of type Traits::Point and container Traits::Container.
    Precondition: A and B simple polygons, their vertices are in counterclockwise order.


    Principally, Boolean operations work as follows, illustrated by the example of intersecting two polygons:

    1. To use the predefined boolean operations traits class CGAL_bops_traits_2<R>, include the file bops_traits_2.h. For details see Section reference arrow.

    2. Instantiation of two polygons that can be triangles, iso oriented rectangles, or simple polygons. A polygon can be represented as an object (e.g. CGAL_Polygon_2) or as a sequence of points held in a sequence container (e.g. STL-list).

    3. Performing the boolean operation:

        CGAL_intersection(A.begin(), A.end(), B.begin(), B.end(), traits, result);
        CGAL_intersection(A, B, result);

    4. Taking the result of the operation:

      The result consists of a sequence of points, segments, and simple polygons. Hence, the user has to check what type of element has to be performed for further computations.

    The full example (depicted in figure reference arrow) instantiates two simple polygons and computes their intersection. Note: here the non-exact (builtin) number type float is used.

    \beginfigure[th] \begincenter \includegraphicsb-ops-2D-example-1.eps \captionIntersection example of two simple polygons (in cartesian coordinates). \endcenter \endfigure

    #include <CGAL/Homogeneous.h>
    #include <CGAL/Cartesian.h>
    #include <CGAL/basic.h>
    #include <iostream.h>
    #include <CGAL/bops_Polygon_2.h>
    typedef float TestNum;
          typedef CGAL_Cartesian<TestNum>        R_type;
          typedef CGAL_Homogeneous<TestNum>      R_type;
    typedef CGAL_Point_2<R_type> Point_2;
    typedef CGAL_Segment_2<R_type> Segment_2;
    typedef list< Point_2 > Container;
    typedef CGAL_Polygon_traits_2<R_type> Polygon_traits_2;
    typedef CGAL_Polygon_2< Polygon_traits_2, Container > Polygon_2;
    typedef vector<Point_2> Input_container;
    int example_intersection(
      const Input_container& container_A,
      const Input_container& container_B
    ) {
      /* instantiate Polygon A and B with containers */
      Polygon_2 A(container_A.begin(), container_A.end());
      Polygon_2 B(container_B.begin(), container_B.end());
      /* declaration of the result container */
      list<CGAL_Object> result;
      /* performing intersection of A and B */
      CGAL_intersection(A, B, back_inserter(result));
      cout << "result size=" << result.size() << endl;
      /* possible results */
      Point_2   point;
      Segment_2 segment;
      Polygon_2 polygon;
      list<CGAL_Object>::const_iterator it;
      for( it= result.begin(); it != result.end(); it++) {
        if( CGAL_assign( polygon, *it) ) {
          cout << "PGN: " << polygon << endl;    /* polygon detected */
        else if( CGAL_assign( segment, *it) ) {
          cout << "SEG: " << segment << endl;    /* segment detected */
        else if( CGAL_assign( point, *it) )  {  
          cout << "PNT:" << point << endl;       /* point detected */
        else {
          cout << "undefined object " << endl;   /* nothing detected */
      return result.size();
    int main(void)
      Input_container container_A(6), container_B(4);
      container_A[0]= Point_2(2,4); /* description of polygon A */
      container_A[1]= Point_2(0,3);
      container_A[2]= Point_2(1,1);
      container_A[3]= Point_2(2,3);
      container_A[4]= Point_2(3,1);
      container_A[5]= Point_2(4,3);
      container_B[0]= Point_2(0,2); /* description of polygon B */
      container_B[1]= Point_2(0,0);
      container_B[2]= Point_2(5,0);
      container_B[3]= Point_2(5,2);
      example_intersection( container_A, container_B);
      return 0;

    The output of our small example program looks like as follows:

    result size=2
    PGN: 3 1 1 1 15 20 10 5 20 10 
    PGN: 3 25 20 10 3 1 1 35 20 10 

    Its interpretation says that the result consists of two polygons with size three (i.e. two triangles) given by their vertices in homogeneous coordinates and counterclockwise order: ((1,1,1), (15,20,10), (5,20,10)) and ((25,20,10),(3,1,1),(35,20,10)).

    From this (full) example can be seen how a boolean operation could be applied in a safe and practical way. The following sketch of a more advanced example shows how traits classes can be used for performing boolean operations.

    begin of advanced section

    #include <CGAL/bops_traits_2.h>
    #include <CGAL/bops_Polygon_2_container.h>
    typedef CGAL_Cartesian<double> R;
    typedef CGAL_bops_traits_2<R> Traits;
    typedef Traits::Polygon Polygon;
    typedef Traits::Output_object_container Output_container;
    void myFunction() {
      Polygon polygon;
      Traits  traits_class;
      polygon A, B; /* instantiate A and B */
      /* ... */
      Output_container result; 
      /* apply a boolean operation: */
      CGAL_intersection(A.begin(), A.end(), B.begin(), B.end(),
                        traits_class, back_inserter(result));
      /* do something with the result: */
      /* ... */

    end of advanced section


    The algorithms for boolean operations of two polygons are (efficient) specialized methods for specific objects. Depending on the polygon type we switch internally to the best suited routines. For instance, for two triangles we switch to a more efficient algorithm than the general one on polygons.

    The memory consumption is O(n) (where n is the whole number of vertices of the input polygons). The time complexity is O(n2) for simple polygons, and O(1) for triangles and iso-oriented rectangles.

    Note: As mentioned above, the result is sometimes returned as iterators pointing to a list<CGAL_Object>, where list is a STL list container, which implements a double connected list (include file: list.h).

    See Also

    CGAL_Intersection, CGAL_Polygon, CGAL_Triangle, and CGAL_Iso_rectangle.

    Boolean Operations Traits Class Implementations


    1. A detailed description of the representation class can be found in Part 1 of the CGAL-Reference Manual

    Up, Table of Contents, Bibliography, Index, Title Page
    The CGAL Project. 22 January, 1999.