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Planar Maps (planar_map)


An instance M of the data type planar_map is the combinatorial embedding of a planar graph, i.e., M is bidirected (for every edge (v,w) of M the reverse edge (w,v) is also in M) and there is a planar embedding of M such that for every node v the ordering of the edges in the adjacency list of v corresponds to the counter-clockwise ordering of these edges around v in the embedding.


planar_map M(graph G); creates an instance M of type planar_map and initializes it to the planar map represented by the directed graph G.
Precondition: G represents a bidirected planar map, i.e. for every edge (v,w) in G the reverse edge (w,v) is also in G and there is a planar embedding of G such that for every node v the ordering of the edges in the adjacency list of v corresponds to the counter-clockwise ordering of these edges around v in the embedding.



edge M.new_edge(edge e1, edge e2)
    inserts the edge e=(source(e_1),source(e_2)) and its reversal into M and returns e.
Precondition: e_1 and e_2 are bounding the same face F.
The operation splits F into two new faces.
face M.del_edge(edge e) deletes the edge e and its reversal from M. The two faces adjacent to e are united to one new face which is returned.
edge M.split_edge(edge e) splits edge e=(v,w) and its reversal r=(w,v) into edges (v,u), (u,w), (w,u), and (u,v). Returns the edge (u,w).
node M.new_node(list<edge> el) splits the face bounded by the edges in el by inserting a new node u and connecting it to all source nodes of edges in el.
Precondition: all edges in el bound the same face.
node M.new_node(face f) splits face f into triangles by inserting a new node u and connecting it to all nodes of f. Returns u.
list<edge> M.triangulate() triangulates all faces of M by inserting new edges. The list of inserted edges is returned.


Planar maps are implemented by parameterized directed graphs. All operations take constant time, except for new_edge and del_edge which take time O(f) where f is the number of edges in the created faces and triangulate and straight_line_embedding which take time O(n) where n is the current size (number of edges) of the planar map.

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LEDA research project