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multimap (multimap)


An object of the class multimap<Key, T, Compare> can store multiple equivalent keys of type Key, and provides retrieval of values of type T based on the keys. The keys in the multimap are ordered by the ordering relation Compare.

The interface of the class multimap<Key, T, Compare> is almost the same as of the class map<Key, Compare>. We only list the functions that have a different syntax or semantics.

#include <multimap.h>


multimap<Key, T, Compare>::iterator
A const bidirectional iterator.


iterator M.insert ( iterator pos, pair<constKey,T> val)
Inserts val in the set. The iterator pos is the starting point of the search. The return value points to the inserted item.
iterator M.insert ( pair<constKey,T> val)
Inserts val in the set. Returns an iterator that points to the inserted item.
void M.erase ( iterator pos)
Erases the element where pos points to. This erases only one element
int M.erase ( Key k) Erases all elements that are equal to k. Returns the number of erased elements.

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The CGAL Project. Wed, January 20, 1999.