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Requirements for Random Convex Sets Traits Classes


A class Traits has to provide the following types and operations in order to qualify as a traits class for CGAL_random_convex_set_2.


point class.

class used for doing computations on point and vector coordinates (has to fulfill fieldtype requirements).

AdaptableBinaryFunction class: Point_2 × Point_2 -> Point_2. It returns the point that results from adding the vectors corresponding to both arguments.

AdaptableBinaryFunction class: Point_2 × FT -> Point_2. Scale(p,k) returns the point that results from scaling the vector corresponding to p by a factor of k.

AdaptableUnaryFunction class: Point_2 -> FT. It returns the coordinate of p with largest absolute value.

AdaptableBinaryFunction class: Point_2 × Point_2 -> bool. It returns true, iff the angle of the direction corresponding to the first argument with respect to the positive x-axis is less than the angle of the direction corresponding to the second argument.


Point_2 t.origin () const return origin (neutral element for the Sum operation).

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The CGAL Project. 22 January 1999.