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Requirements for a Distance Class

A distance class is a class designed to store three points p0, p1 and p2 and to decide which of p1 and p2 is closer to p0. The class is templated by a geometric traits class <Gt> which is required to provide the Point type and eventually the definition of what closer means.


The following constructor creates a distance object. Missing points are not initialized.

Distance<Gt> dt ( Point p0=Point(),
Point p1=Point(),
Point p2=Point(),
Gt* gt = NULL);


void dt.set_point ( int i, Point pi)
Replaces point i.
Precondition: 0<=i <=2.
Point dt.get_point ( int i)
Returns point i.
Precondition: 0<=i <=2.
CGAL_Comparison_result () Compares the distance between p0 and p1 with the distance between p0 and and p2.
Precondition: p1 and p2 are initialized.

Next: Class declaration of CGAL_Regular_triangulation_2<Gt, Tds>
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The CGAL Project. 22 January, 1999.