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CGAL_tree_point_traits<Data, Window, Key, Data_func, Window_left_func, Window_right_func, Compare> Point_traits;

the container Data - defines the Data type.

the container Window - defines the type of the query rectangle.

the type Key of the data slot this traits class provides access to.


#include <CGAL/Tree_traits.h>
CGAL_tree_point_traits<Data, Window, Key, Data_func, Window_left_func, Window_right_func, \ Compare> d();

0.8\linewidth Data and Window are two containers, that may consist of several data slots. One of these data slots has to be of type Key. Data_func is a function object providing an operator() that takes an argument of type Data and returns a component of type Key. Window_left_func and Window_right_func are function objects that allow to access the left and right data slot of container Window which has type Key. Compare defines a comparison relation which must define a strict ordering of the objects of type Key. If defined, less<Key> is sufficient.


Key d.get_key ( Data d)
The data slot of the data item of d of type Key is accessed by function object Data_func.
Key d.get_left ( Window w)
The data slot of the data item of w of type Key is accessed by function object Window_left_func.
Key d.get_right ( Window w)
The data slot of the data item of w of type Key is accessed by function object Window_right_func.
bool d.comp ( Key& key1, Key& key2)
returns Compare(key1, key2).
bool d.key_comp ( Data& data1, Data& data2)
returns Compare(get_key(data1), get_key(data2)).

Next: Class declaration of Interval_traits
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The CGAL Project. 22 January, 1999.