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CGAL_Tree_anchor is also derived from CGAL_Tree_base. Therefore, it provides the same methods as CGAL_Range_tree_d and CGAL_Segment_tree_d, but does nothing; it can be used as a recursion anchor for those classes. Therefore, instantiate Sublayer_type of Range_tree_d ( CGAL_Segment_tree_d respectively) with CGAL_Tree_anchor and the container classes for the data items (Data and Window.


CGAL_Tree_anchor<Data, Window>::Data
container Data.

CGAL_Tree_anchor<Data, Window>::Window
container Window.


#include <CGAL/Tree_base.h>

CGAL_Tree_anchor<Data, Window> a;


template<class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator a.window_query ( Window win, OutputIterator result)
template<class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator a.enclosing_query ( Window win, OutputIterator result)
bool a.is_valid () returns true;

Protected Operations

bool a.is_inside ( const Q key, const C object)
returns true.
bool a.is_anchor () returns true.


The following figures show a number of rectangles and a 2-dimensional segment tree built on them.

    dimensional interval data Two
    dimensional segment tree according to the interval data
Two dimensional interval data. Two dimensional segment tree according to the interval data.

Next: Class declaration of CGAL_Kdtree_d<I>
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The CGAL Project. 22 January, 1999.