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Requirements for a Polyhedron_traits


A model for the Polyhedron_traits concept must provide the following types, operations and restrictions with respect to the halfedge data structure HDS used in the polyhedral surface.


point type equal to HDS::Point, if points are supported.

normal vector equal to HDS::Facet::Normal, if normals are supported.

plane equation equal to HDS::Facet::Plane, if plane equations are supported.


void traits.reverse_normal ( Normal& n) const
reverses the orientation of the normal vector n. Only needed if normal vectors are supported.
void traits.reverse_plane ( Plane& p) const
reverses the orientation of the plane equation p. Only needed if plane equations are supported.

See Also

CGAL_Polyhedron_3 and CGAL_Polyhedron_default_traits_3.

Next: Class declaration of CGAL_Polyhedron_default_traits_3<R>
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The CGAL Project. 22 January, 1999.