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The Default Halfedge Data Structure for Polyhedrons


The default CGAL_Halfedge_data_structure_polyhedron_default_3<R> implements all incidences supported by the Halfedge_data_structure concept. It chooses geometry types from the CGAL-kernel as determined with the representation class R. It stores a point of type CGAL_Point_3<R> in each vertex and a plane equation of type CGAL_Plane_3<R> in each facet.

#include <CGAL/Halfedge_data_structure_polyhedron_default_3.h >


The default halfedge data structure provided for polyhedrons is a wrapper for the class CGAL_Halfedge_data_structure_using_list using the CGAL_Vertex_max_base<CGAL_Point_3<R>>, CGAL_Halfedge_max_base and CGAL_Polyhedron_facet_base_3 models, see Section reference arrow to reference arrow and reference arrow.

Next: Class declaration of CGAL_Polyhedron_incremental_builder_3<HDS>
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The CGAL Project. 22 January, 1999.