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An object d of the class Dcel that satisfies the requirements of a topological map DCEL class must provide the following types and operations.


vertex type.

halfedge type.

face type.

type for size values.

a bidirectional iterator over the vertices. Its value-type is Vertex.

a bidirectional iterator over the halfedges. Its value-type is Halfedge.

a bidirectional iterator over the faces. Its value-type is Face.


Dcel d;
construct an empty DCEL with one outer face.


Size d.size_of_vertices ()
number of vertices.
Size d.size_of_halfedges ()
number of halfedges (always even).
Size d.size_of_faces () number of faces.
Vertex_iterator d.vertices_begin ()
returns the begin-iterator of the vertices in d.
Vertex_iterator d.vertices_end () returns the past-the-end iterator of the vertices in d.
Halfedge_iterator d.halfedges_begin ()
returns the begin-iterator of the halfedges in d.
Halfedge_iterator d.halfedges_end () returns the past-the-end iterator of the halfedges in d.
Vertex_iterator d.faces_begin () returns the begin-iterator of the faces in d.
Vertex_iterator d.faces_end () returns the past-the-end iterator of the faces in d.

The following operations allocate a new element of that type. Halfedges are always allocated in pairs of opposite halfedges. The twin pointers are automatically set.

Vertex* d.new_vertex () creates a default vertex.
Halfedge* d.new_edge () creates a new pair of opposite halfedges.
Face* d.new_face () creates a new face.
void d.delete_vertex ( Vertex* v)
deletes the vertex v.
void d.delete_edge ( Halfedge* h)
deletes the pair of opposite halfedges h.
void d.delete_face ( Face* f)
deletes the face f.

Next: Class declaration of Dcel::Vertex
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The CGAL Project. 22 January, 1999.