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Predefined Face Base Class (CGAL_Pm_face_base)


The class CGAL_Pm_face_base is a face in the DCEL. The methods it defines return void* since the Vertex and Halfedge classes are not known to it. A casting will be done inside the DCEL.


It uses an STL list as a holes container, the list stores void* objects that point at a representative halfedge for every hole in the face.


a bidirectional iterator for traversing the holes container, its value type is void*.

CGAL_Pm_face_base f;
default constructor.


void* f.halfedge () an incident halfedge on the outer CCB of f.
const void* f.halfedge ()
void f.set_halfedge ( void* h)
sets incident halfedge.
Holes_iterator f.holes_begin () a begin iterator of the holes container.
Holes_iterator f.holes_end () a past-the-end iterator of the holes container.
f.holes_begin ()
f.holes_end ()
void f.add_hole ( void* h)
adds h to the holes container.
void f.erase_hole ( Holes_iterator hit)
removes the halfedge referenced by hit from the holes container (the halfedge itself is not erased from the DCEL).
f.erase_holes ( Holes_iterator first,
Holes_iterator last)
removes the halfedges in the range [first,last) from the holes container.

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The CGAL Project. 22 January, 1999.