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Computing General Extremal Polygons

This section describes a general function to compute a maximal k-gon Pk that can be inscribed in a given convex polygon P. The criterion for maximality and some basic operations have to specified in an appropriate traits class as specified in section reference arrow.

#include <CGAL/extremal_polygons_2.h>

template < class RandomAccessIC, class OutputIterator, class Traits >
CGAL_extremal_polygon (
RandomAccessIC points_begin,
RandomAccessIC points_end,
int k,
OutputIterator o,
Traits t)

computes a maximal (as specified by t) inscribed k-gon of the convex polygon described by [points_begin, points_end), writes its vertices to o and returns the past-the-end iterator of this sequence.


  1. Traits has to satisfy the requirements stated in section reference arrow,
  2. Value type of RandomAccessIC must be Traits::Point_2,
  3. OutputIterator accepts Traits::Point_2 as value type,
  4. the - at least three - points denoted by the range [points_begin, points_end) form the boundary of a convex polygon (oriented clock- or counterclockwise) and
  5. k >=t.min_k().


The implementation uses monotone matrix search[AKM+87] and has a worst case running time of O(k * n + n * log n), where n is the number of vertices in P.
Next: Class declaration of Exp_traits
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The CGAL Project. 22 January, 1999.