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An Adaptor for Adding Dynamic Operations to Matrix Classes

#include <CGAL/Dynamic_matrix.h>


The class CGAL_Dynamic_matrix<M> can be used as an adaptor for an arbitrary matrix class M to provide the dynamic operations needed for monotone matrix search (see section reference arrow). The template argument class has to fulfill some requirements as stated in section reference arrow.


CGAL_Dynamic_matrix<M> d ( M m);
initializes d to m. m is not copied, we only store a reference.


int d.number_of_columns ()
returns the number of columns.
int d.number_of_rows ()
returns the number of rows.
Entry d ( int row, int column)
returns the entry at position (row, column).
0 <= row < number_of_rows() and
0 <= column < number_of_columns().
void d.replace_column ( int old, int new)
replace column old with column number new.
0 <= row < number_of_rows() and
0 <= column < number_of_columns().
Matrix* d.extract_all_even_rows ()
returns a new Matrix consisting of all rows of d with even index, (i.e. first row is row 0 of d, second row is row 2 of d etc.).
Precondition: number_of_rows() > 0.
void d.shrink_to_quadratic_size ()
deletes the rightmost columns, such that d becomes quadratic.
number_of_columns() >= number_of_rows().
number_of_rows() == number_of_columns().


All operations take constant time except for extract_all_even_rows which needs time linear in the number of rows.

Next: Class declaration of BasicMatrix
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The CGAL Project. 22 January, 1999.