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Requirements for Halfedge_base


A halfedge must store pointers for the next halfedge and its opposite halfedge. It optionally stores pointer to its incident vertex and incident facet. Type tags indicate whether these member functions are supported. Figure  reference arrow depicts the relationship between a halfedge and its incident halfedges, vertices, and facets. The is_border() predicate is mandatory, but may return always false.


Halfedge_base h;
default constructor.

Halfedge_base h ( const Halfedge&);
copy constructor.


void* h.opposite () the opposite halfedge.
const void* h.opposite () const
void* () the next halfedge around the facet.
const void* () const
void* h.prev () the previous halfedge around the facet.
const void* h.prev () const
void* h.vertex () the incident vertex.
const void* h.vertex () const
void* h.facet () the incident facet. If h is a border halfedge the result might be NULL or a unique facet representing this hole or a unique facet representing all holes.
const void* h.facet () const
bool h.is_border () const
is true if h is a border halfedge.
void h.set_next ( void* next)
void h.set_prev ( void* prev)
void h.set_opposite ( void* h)
void h.set_vertex ( void* v)
void h.set_facet ( void* f)
if f == NULL h becomes a border edge.

Types for Tagging Optional Features

The following types are equal to either CGAL_Tag_true or CGAL_Tag_false, depending on whether the named member function is supported or not.




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The CGAL Project. 22 January, 1999.