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Polyhedron from Chull (CGAL_Build_polyhedron_from_chull )

#include <CGAL/dd_geo/chull_support_3.h>


CGAL_Build_polyhedron_from_chullis a modifier class, see CGAL_Modifier_base in the CGAL Support Library. HDS is the halfedge data structure of the polyhedral surface. ChullType is a three-dimensional chull type. The builder constructs the polyhedron incrementally from a chull object using CGAL_Polyhedron_incremental_builder_3.


CGAL_Build_polyhedron_from_chull<HDS, ChullType>::HDS
half-edge data structure with a vertex type with associated points.

CGAL_Build_polyhedron_from_chull<HDS, ChullType>::ChullType
chull type.

CGAL_Build_polyhedron_from_chull<HDS, ChullType>::Point
== HdsVertex::Point == ChullType::POINT.


CGAL_Build_polyhedron_from_chull<HDS, ChullType> *this ( ChullType& CH);
creates a modifier class and stores a reference to the chull CH.


void *this ( HDS& hds) builds the polyhedral surface represented by the chull CH in hds.


The builder uses iterators on chull. Currently this leads to restrictions on the availability on all platforms. In particular, the class above cannot be used with SunPro 4.2.

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The CGAL Project. 22 January, 1999.