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3D Geometric Predicates

Order Type Predicates

#include <CGAL/predicates_on_points_3.h>

CGAL_orientation ( CGAL_Point_3<R> p,
CGAL_Point_3<R> q,
CGAL_Point_3<R> r,
CGAL_Point_3<R> s)
returns CGAL_POSITIVE, if s lies on the positive side of the oriented plane h defined by p, q, and r, returns CGAL_NEGATIVE if s lies on the negative side of h, and returns CGAL_COPLANAR if s lies on h.

CGAL_coplanar ( CGAL_Point_3<R> p,
CGAL_Point_3<R> q,
CGAL_Point_3<R> r,
CGAL_Point_3<R> s)
returns true, if p, q, r, and s are coplanar.

CGAL_collinear ( CGAL_Point_3<R> p,
CGAL_Point_3<R> q,
CGAL_Point_3<R> r)
returns true, if p, q, and r are collinear.

Analogously to the two-dimensional case, there are some additional tests for special cases of collinearity. If we not only want to know if three points are collinear but also if they respect a certain order on the line, these are the functions to call:

CGAL_are_ordered_along_line ( CGAL_Point_3<R> p,
CGAL_Point_3<R> q,
CGAL_Point_3<R> r)
returns true, iff the three points are collinear and q lies between p and r. Note that true is returned, if q==p or q==r.

CGAL_are_strictly_ordered_along_line ( CGAL_Point_3<R> p,
CGAL_Point_3<R> q,
CGAL_Point_3<R> r)
returns true, iff the three points are collinear and q lies strictly between p and r. Note that false is returned, if q==p or q==r.

If we already know that three points are collinear, we should not check it again (as it is an expensive operation).

CGAL_collinear_are_ordered_along_line ( CGAL_Point_3<R> p,
CGAL_Point_3<R> q,
CGAL_Point_3<R> r)
returns true, iff q lies between p and r.
Precondition: p, q and r are collinear.

CGAL_collinear_are_strictly_ordered_along_line ( CGAL_Point_3<R> p,
CGAL_Point_3<R> q,
CGAL_Point_3<R> r)
returns true, iff q lies strictly between p and r.
Precondition: p, q and r are collinear.

The Insphere Test

The following predicates the relative position of a point with respect to a sphere implicitly defined by four points.

CGAL_side_of_bounded_sphere ( CGAL_Point_3<R> p,
CGAL_Point_3<R> q,
CGAL_Point_3<R> r,
CGAL_Point_3<R> s,
CGAL_Point_3<R> test)
returns the relative position of point test to the sphere defined by p, q, r, and s. The order of the points p, q, r, and s does not matter.
Precondition: p, q, r and s are not coplanar.

CGAL_side_of_oriented_sphere ( CGAL_Point_3<R> p,
CGAL_Point_3<R> q,
CGAL_Point_3<R> r,
CGAL_Point_3<R> s,
CGAL_Point_3<R> test)
returns the relative position of point test to the oriented sphere defined by p, q, r and s. The order of the points p, q, r, and s is important, since it determines the orientation of the implicitly constructed sphere. If the points p, q, r and s are positive oriented, positive side is the bounded interior of the sphere.
Precondition: p, q, r and s are not coplanar.

Comparison of Coordinates of Points

In order to check if two points have the same x, y, or z coordinate we provide the following functions. They allow to write code that does not depend on the representation type.

#include <CGAL/predicates_on_points_3.h>

bool CGAL_x_equal ( CGAL_Point_3<R> p, CGAL_Point_3<R> q)
returns true, iff p and q have the same x-coordinate.

bool CGAL_y_equal ( CGAL_Point_3<R> p, CGAL_Point_3<R> q)
returns true, iff p and q have the same y-coordinate.

bool CGAL_z_equal ( CGAL_Point_3<R> p, CGAL_Point_3<R> q)
returns true, iff p and q have the same z-coordinate.

The above functions, returning a bool, are decision versions of the following comparison functions, returning a CGAL_Comparison_result.

CGAL_compare_x ( CGAL_Point_3<R> p, CGAL_Point_3<R> q)

CGAL_compare_y ( CGAL_Point_3<R> p, CGAL_Point_3<R> q)

CGAL_compare_z ( CGAL_Point_3<R> p, CGAL_Point_3<R> q)

For lexicographical comparison CGAL provides

CGAL_compare_lexicographically_xyz ( CGAL_Point_3<R> p,
CGAL_Point_3<R> q)
Compares the Cartesian coordinates of points p and q lexicographically in xyz order: first x-coordinates are compared, if they are equal, y-coordinates are compared, and if both x- and y- coordinate are equal, z-coordinates are compared.

In addition, CGAL provides the following comparison functions returning true or false depending on the result of CGAL_compare_lexicographically_xyz(p,q).

CGAL_lexicographically_xyz_smaller_or_equal ( CGAL_Point_3<R> p,
CGAL_Point_3<R> q)

CGAL_lexicographically_xyz_smaller ( CGAL_Point_3<R> p,
CGAL_Point_3<R> q)

Next chapter: 3D Transformations
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The CGAL Project. Wed, January 20, 1999.