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2D Geometric Predicates

Order Type Predicates

CGAL_orientation ( CGAL_Point_2<R> p,
CGAL_Point_2<R> q,
CGAL_Point_2<R> r)
returns CGAL_LEFTTURN, if r lies to the left of the oriented line l defined by p and q, returns CGAL_RIGHTTURN if r lies to the right of l, and returns CGAL_COLLINEAR if r lies on l.

The following functions return true or false depending on whether the orientation of three points is equal to one of the constants mentioned in reference arrow.

CGAL_leftturn ( CGAL_Point_2<R> p,
CGAL_Point_2<R> q,
CGAL_Point_2<R> r)

CGAL_rightturn ( CGAL_Point_2<R> p,
CGAL_Point_2<R> q,
CGAL_Point_2<R> r)

CGAL_collinear ( CGAL_Point_2<R> p,
CGAL_Point_2<R> q,
CGAL_Point_2<R> r)

Finally, there are some special cases of collinearity. If we not only want to know if three points are collinear but also if they respect a certain order on the line, these are the functions to call:

CGAL_are_ordered_along_line ( CGAL_Point_2<R> p,
CGAL_Point_2<R> q,
CGAL_Point_2<R> r)
returns true, iff the three points are collinear and q lies between p and r. Note that true is returned, if q==p or q==r.

CGAL_are_strictly_ordered_along_line ( CGAL_Point_2<R> p,
CGAL_Point_2<R> q,
CGAL_Point_2<R> r)
returns true, iff the three points are collinear and q lies strictly between p and r. Note that false is returned, if q==p or q==r.

If we already know that three points are collinear, we should not check it again.

CGAL_collinear_are_ordered_along_line ( CGAL_Point_2<R> p,
CGAL_Point_2<R> q,
CGAL_Point_2<R> r)
returns true, iff q lies between p and r.
Precondition: p, q and r are collinear.

CGAL_collinear_are_strictly_ordered_along_line ( CGAL_Point_2<R> p,
CGAL_Point_2<R> q,
CGAL_Point_2<R> r)
returns true, iff q lies strictly between p and r.
Precondition: p, q and r are collinear.

The Incircle Test

Instead of constructing a circle and performing the test if a given point lies inside or outside you might use the following predicate:

CGAL_side_of_bounded_circle ( CGAL_Point_2<R> p,
CGAL_Point_2<R> q,
CGAL_Point_2<R> r,
CGAL_Point_2<R> test)
returns the relative position of point test to the circle defined by p, q and r. The order of the points p, q and r does not matter.
Precondition: p, q and r are not collinear.

CGAL_side_of_oriented_circle ( CGAL_Point_2<R> p,
CGAL_Point_2<R> q,
CGAL_Point_2<R> r,
CGAL_Point_2<R> test)
returns the relative position of point test to the oriented circle defined by p, q and r. The order of the points p, q and r is important, since it determines the orientation of the implicitly constructed circle.
Precondition: p, q and r are not collinear.

Comparison of Coordinates of Points

In order to check if two points have the same x or y coordinate we provide the following functions. They allow to write code that does not depend on the representation type.

#include <CGAL/predicates_on_points_2.h>

bool CGAL_x_equal ( CGAL_Point_2<R> p, CGAL_Point_2<R> q)
returns true, iff p and q have the same x-coordinate.

bool CGAL_y_equal ( CGAL_Point_2<R> p, CGAL_Point_2<R> q)
returns true, iff p and q have the same y-coordinate.

The above functions, returning a bool, are decision versions of the following comparison functions, returning a CGAL_Comparison_result.

CGAL_compare_x ( CGAL_Point_2<R> p, CGAL_Point_2<R> q)

CGAL_compare_y ( CGAL_Point_2<R> p, CGAL_Point_2<R> q)

CGAL offers the same functions for points given implicitly as intersection of two lines. We provide these functions because we can provide better code for the test, than simply computing the intersection and calling the respective function for points.

Precondition: Lines that define an intersection point may not be parallel.

#include <CGAL/predicates_on_lines_2.h>

CGAL_compare_x ( CGAL_Point_2<R> p,
CGAL_Line_2<R> l1,
CGAL_Line_2<R> l2)
compares the x-coordinates of p and the intersection of lines l1 and l2 , see (a) in the figure below.

CGAL_compare_x ( CGAL_Line_2<R> l,
CGAL_Line_2<R> h1,
CGAL_Line_2<R> h2)
compares the x-coordinates of the intersection of line l with line h1 and with line h2 , see (b) in the figure below.

CGAL_compare_x ( CGAL_Line_2<R> l1,
CGAL_Line_2<R> l2,
CGAL_Line_2<R> h1,
CGAL_Line_2<R> h2)
compares the x-coordinates of the intersection of lines l1 and l2 and the intersection of lines h1 and h2 , see (c) in the figure below.

Comparison of the x 
or y coordinates of the (implicitly given) points in the boxes

CGAL_compare_y ( CGAL_Point_2<R> p,
CGAL_Line_2<R> l1,
CGAL_Line_2<R> l2)
compares the y-coordinates of p and the intersection of lines l1 and l2 , see (a) in the figure above.

CGAL_compare_y ( CGAL_Line_2<R> l,
CGAL_Line_2<R> h1,
CGAL_Line_2<R> h2)
compares the y-coordinates of the intersection of line l with line h1 and with line h2 , see (b) in the figure above.

CGAL_compare_y ( CGAL_Line_2<R> l1,
CGAL_Line_2<R> l2,
CGAL_Line_2<R> h1,
CGAL_Line_2<R> h2)
compares the y-coordinates of the intersection of lines l1 and l2 and the intersection of lines h1 and h2 , see (c) in the figure above.

The following functions compare the y coordinate of an point (that may be given implicitly) with a line.

Precondition: If the point is given as an intersection of two lines these lines may not be parallel. Lines where points are projected on may not be vertical.

CGAL_compare_y_at_x ( CGAL_Point_2<R> p,
CGAL_Line_2<R> h)
compares the y-coordinates of p and the vertical projection of p on h , see (d) in the figure below.

CGAL_compare_y_at_x ( CGAL_Point_2<R> p,
CGAL_Line_2<R> h1,
CGAL_Line_2<R> h2)
This function compares the y-coordinates of the vertical projection of p on h1 and on h2 , see (e) in the figure below.

CGAL_compare_y_at_x ( CGAL_Line_2<R> l1,
CGAL_Line_2<R> l2,
CGAL_Line_2<R> h)
Let p be the intersection of lines l1 and l2. This function compares the y-coordinates of p and the vertical projection of p on h , see (f) in the figure below.

CGAL_compare_y_at_x ( CGAL_Line_2<R> l1,
CGAL_Line_2<R> l2,
CGAL_Line_2<R> h1,
CGAL_Line_2<R> h2)
Let p be the intersection of lines l1 and l2. This function compares the y-coordinates of the vertical projection of p on h1 and on h2 , see (g) in the figure below.

Comparison of y at x

For lexicographical comparison CGAL provides

CGAL_compare_lexicographically_xy ( CGAL_Point_2<R> p,
CGAL_Point_2<R> q)
Compares the Cartesian coordinates of points p and q lexicographically in xy order: first x-coordinates are compared, if they are equal, y-coordinates are compared.

In addition, CGAL provides the following comparison functions returning true or false depending on the result of CGAL_compare_lexicographically_xy(p,q).

CGAL_lexicographically_xy_smaller_or_equal ( CGAL_Point_2<R> p,
CGAL_Point_2<R> q)

CGAL_lexicographically_xy_smaller ( CGAL_Point_2<R> p,
CGAL_Point_2<R> q)

CGAL_lexicographically_xy_larger_or_equal ( CGAL_Point_2<R> p,
CGAL_Point_2<R> q)

CGAL_lexicographically_xy_larger ( CGAL_Point_2<R> p,
CGAL_Point_2<R> q)

See Also

Distance comparisons, Section reference arrow.

Next chapter: 2D Transformations
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The CGAL Project. Wed, January 20, 1999.