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dD Point (CGAL_Point_d)


An object of the class CGAL_Point_d<R> is a point in d-dimensional Euclidean space Ed, where d is arbitrary.

#include <CGAL/Point_d.h>


A CGAL_Point_d<R> object can be created from an iterator range.

template <class InputIterator>
CGAL_Point_d<R> p ( int dim, InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
if the range [first,last) contains dim elements, this creates a point with Cartesian coordinates as specified by the range. If [first,last) contains dim+1 elements, the range specifies the homogeneous coordinates of p.
Precondition: dim is nonnegative, [first,last) has dim or dim+1 elements, and the value types of first and last are R::RT.

Note: in case your compiler does not support member templates, CGAL provides the following specialized constructor.

CGAL_Point_d<R> p ( int dim, const R::RT* first, const R::RT* last);


bool p == p Equality test. Two points are equal if they have the same dimension and agree in all coordinates.
bool p != p Test for inequality.
R::RT p.homogeneous ( int i)
returns the i'th homogeneous coordinate of p, starting with 0.
Precondition: 0<=i<=d.
R::FT p.cartesian ( int i)
returns the i'th Cartesian coordinate of p, starting with 0.
Precondition: 0<=i < d.
R::FT p [ int i] returns the i'th Cartesian coordinate of p, starting with 0.
Precondition: 0<=i < d.
int p.dimension () returns the dimension d of p.

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The CGAL Project. Wed, January 20, 1999.