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3D Bbox (CGAL_Bbox_3)


An object b of the class CGAL_Bbox_3 is a bounding box in the three-dimensional Euclidean space E3. This class is not templated.

#include <CGAL/Bbox_3.h>


CGAL_Bbox_3 b ( double x_min,
double y_min,
double z_min,
double x_max,
double y_max,
double z_max);
introduces a bounding box b with lexicographically smallest corner point at (xmin, ymin, zmin) lexicographically largest corner point at (xmax, ymax, zmax).


bool b == c Test for equality: two bounding boxes are equal, if the lower left and the upper right corners are equal.
double b.xmin ()
double b.ymin ()
double b.zmin ()
double b.xmax ()
double b.ymax ()
double b.zmax ()
CGAL_Bbox_3 b + c returns a bounding box of b and c.
bool CGAL_do_overlap ( bb1, bb2)

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The CGAL Project. Wed, January 20, 1999.