December 01, 2003

T-minus 14 days and counting...

Never thought the month of December would ever come, but here we are! I've already started having anxiety dreams about preparing for our upcoming trip. Dreams where I only have an hour to pack and am scrambling all over our house snatching things and cramming them into suitcases. My favorite variant of this dream is when Toli's parents show up on our doorstep for a visit. Wickedly ironic since they live in Europe, and we're supposed to meet up with them in Vienna. But in the dream, they got some sort of cheap ticket to the U.S., so they decide to do some visiting with us before we meet up with them. All sorts of stressful hijinks ensue, and I wake up wondering if they're really at the front door. ..

Anyway, welcome to our brand-spankin new weblog! We thought it would be a fun and convenient way to keep everyone posted on our misadventures as we force ourselves upon the big wide world. Or half the continents, at least. (Antarctica's too cold - God knows how we'll even handle a German winter, Christine's afraid of getting kidnapped in South America, and we're saving Africa for later.)

So check back in a few weeks when we're actually on our way. We have a ridiculously long list of things to do before we leave, so I don't think I'll be messing with this log until we're actually somewhere far away.

Posted by Christine at December 1, 2003 10:12 PM