CSCI 4534 - Operating Systems
Assignment 3
This assignment has two parts. In the first, you will practice on
proving the correctness of, or spotting mistakes in, process
synchronization algorithms; in the second, you will build a simulator
for a resource allocator with deadlock detection. For the second part,
keep track of the amount of time you spent on it to earn some bonus
The total points you can earn is 110. The assignment is graded on a
scale of 0-100, so you have 10 points of optional extra credit.
Please consult the course syllabus
for collaboration policies, as well as deadlines/extensions and the
procedure you should follow to submit your answers.
- Requirements: the tasks you have
to complete.
- Source code for the resource
allocator task.
- Clarifications: questions posed
by other students and instructor's answers. Please consult this page
before asking your questions.
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