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- UNIX machines:
- View the handout and print it from your PostScript viewer
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ghostview's "File | Print" menu option.
- Bypass the viewer, saving the handout in a file (on
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If you have problems printing the PostScript files, hard copies are
available in Gates 377, in a drawer marked "CS 161".
NOTE: homework/exam solutions, handwritten handouts, and
papers will not be made available in electronic format; only hard
copies are available, in Gates 377.
- Textbook
errata, for the second and subsequent printings.
- Theoretical Computer
Science Cheat Sheet by Steve Seiden.
- Problem set 1.
- Sections 1 and 3 of Johannes Weidl's The
Standard Template Library Tutorial. In-depth information is
available at the Standard Template
Library Programmer's Guide.
On-line: section
1, section
- The Maximum Subsequence Sum problem. Pages 19-20, 24-29 of: Weiss,
Mark Allen. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C.
Second edition. Addison-Wesley: Menlo Park, CA, 1996.
Unavailable on-line.
- Analysis of the running time of Randomized-Quicksort. Pages 3-7 of:
Motwani, Rajeev, and Prabhakar Raghavan. Randomized
Algorithms. Cambridge UP: New York, NY, 1995.
Unavailable on-line.
- The Eight Queens problem. Pages 308-311, 328-331, 353-358 of:
Brassard, Gilles, and Paul Bratley. Fundamentals of
Algorithmics. Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1996.
Unavailable on-line.
- Problem set 2.
- Randomized skip lists. Pages 209-213 of Motwani.
Unavailable on-line.
- Deterministic skip lists. Pages 469-476 of Weiss.
Unavailable on-line.
- Treaps. Pages 482-485 of Weiss.
Unavailable on-line.
- Splay trees. Pages 122-132 of Weiss.
Unavailable on-line.
- Problem set 3. In order to digest the material on binary search trees,
you may find useful Doug Ierardi's and Ta-Wei Li's interactive animations of tree
- Solutions to problem set 1.
Unavailable on-line.
- Optimal binary search trees. Pages 387-390 of Weiss. A more in-depth
analysis is available in pages 432-439 of: Knuth, Donald
Ervin. Sorting and Searching. Volume 3 of The Art
of Computer Programming. Addison-Wesley: Reading, MA, 1973.
Unavailable on-line.
- The Knapsack problems. Pages 202-204, 266-268 of Brassard/Bratley.
Unavailable on-line.
- Problem set 4.
- Solutions to problem set 2.
Unavailable on-line.
- Problem set 5.
- Solutions to problem set 3.
Unavailable on-line.
- Midterm examination.
Unavailable on-line.
- Mid-quarter course evaluation.
- Problem set 6.
- Solutions to problem set 4.
Unavailable on-line.
- Performance analysis of splay trees. Pages 445-449 of Weiss.
Unavailable on-line.
- Solutions to the midterm.
Unavailable on-line.
- Solutions to problem set 5.
Unavailable on-line.
- Monte Carlo algorithms. Pages 7-10, 127-129, 161-172 of Motwani.
Unavailable on-line.
- Solutions to problem set 6.
Unavailable on-line.
© 1998 Apostolos Lerios