Descent II Statistics

Graphs of stats for entire sequence

frames0 to -1
number of triangles20960131688152648
average number triangles / frame0.000.000.00
average area / triangle4423.732431.032704.65
median triangle area5180117
average aspect ratio4.036.946.54
median aspect ratio122
average horizontal extent44.5881.9076.77
median horizontal extent64033
average vertical extent31.1250.2347.60
median vertical extent32419
average depth complexity0.000.000.00
average W-Ratio1.54
median w-ratio1.27
total texture changes53707
average tex changes/frame0.00
total unique textures65
average triangles/texture/frame0.00
average pixels/texture/frame0.00
average consecutive hits to a texture5960.81

Gnu Plot source used to generate graphs