When: | March 23-25, 1998 |
Where: | Stanford University |
Registration: | CLOSED |
Contacts: | Marc Levoy Pat Hanrahan |
Sponsored by
Additional support provided by Intel, Interval and Microsoft.
Table of contents:
Eric Chen | Live Picture | chense@livepicture.com |
Pat Hanrahan | Stanford | hanrahan@cs.stanford.edu |
Marc Levoy | Stanford | levoy@cs.stanford.edu |
Leonard McMillan | MIT | mcmillan@lcs.mit.edu |
Richard Szeliski | Microsoft | szeliski@microsoft.com |
Gary Bishop | UNC | bishop@cs.unc.edu |
Eric Chen | Live Picture | chense@livepicture.com |
Michael Cohen | Microsoft | mcohen@microsoft.com |
Olivier Faugeras | INRIA | Olivier.Faugeras@inria.fr |
Takeo Kanade | CMU | kanade@cs.cmu.edu |
Marc Levoy | Stanford | levoy@cs.stanford.edu |
Jitendra Malik | Berkeley | malik@cs.berkeley.edu |
Leonard McMillan | MIT | mcmillan@lcs.mit.edu |
Shree Nayar | Columbia | nayar@cs.columbia.edu |
Tomas Poggio | MIT | tp@ai.mit..com |
Richard Szeliski | Microsoft | szeliski@microsoft.com |
Lance Williams | Dreamworks | lance@crystal.anim.dreamworks.com |
Paul Debevec (moderator) | Berkeley | debevec@cs.berkeley.edu |
Frank Crow | Interval Research | crow@interval.com |
Henry Fuchs | UNC | fuchs@cs.unc.edu |
Don Greenberg | Cornell | dpg@graphics.cornell.edu |
Steve Seitz | Microsoft | sseitz@microsoft.com |
Image-based rendering (IBR) refers loosely to techniques that generate new images from other images rather than from geometric primitives. IBR seems to hold the promise of shortcutting the traditional modeling/rendering pipeline or at a minimum hiding the latency between rendered frames. A closely related concept is image-based modeling (IBM), which has been used to denote any sampled representation of a 3D scene.
The time is right to hold a workshop that focuses on these two techniques. The area is old enough that we understand what the workshop would be about, young enough that we would still argue about it, old enough that its practioners would fill an auditorium, and young enough that they would still fit in one. The goal of the workshop is to assess the field, to help identify promising applications, and to define the most interesting and challenging problems where research needs to be done. We also want to bring together researchers from graphics and vision, as well as academia and industry.
The format of the workshop will be talks by invited speakers, with time for extensive discussion after each talk. Although there will be no proceedings, we plan to create an online journal of the speakers' slides. There will also be an open poster session and hands-on demonstrations. All sessions will be conducted at the William Gates Computer Science Building on the Stanford University campus, with a reception and a banquet at other locations.
To facilitate accomodations , a block of rooms has been reserved at a local hotel. Here's what to do when you arrive, and here's a list of our on-site services. Click here for directions to the workshop venues. A tentative program is also available. Click here if you are interested in participating in the poster/demo sessions. To stay informed about the workshop and other developments in image-based rendering, join our emailing list.
Click on a talk title to see the slides.
Sunday 3/22 | 7:00pm | Welcoming reception, Holiday Inn (through 10:00pm) |
Monday 3/23 | 8:45am | Opening remarks |
9:00 | Omnidirectional Image Sensing (Shree Nayar) | |
10:00 | Break | |
11:00 | Recovering Geometric, Photometric, and Kinematic Properties from Images (Jitendra Malik) | |
12:00 | Lunch (provided) | |
1:30 | Virtualized Reality: 3D Modeling and View Rendering of Time Varying Events (Takao Kanade) | |
2:30 | Image Representations for Visual Learning (Tomas Poggio) | |
3:30 | Break | |
4:00 | Poster and demo session | |
6:00 | Free time (no dinner plans) | |
Tuesday 3/24 | 9:00am | Building Shape and Appearance Models from Multiple Images (Rick Szeliski) |
10:00 | Break and demos | |
11:00 | Acquisition and Manipulation of Dense Range Data, Light Fields, and BRDFs (Marc Levoy) | |
12:00 | Lunch (provided) | |
1:30 | Rendering from Image-Based Shape and Appearance Models (Michael Cohen) | |
2:30 | Commercial Applications of Image-based Rendering (Eric Chen) | |
3:30 | Break | |
4:00 | Panel discussion: How will Image-Based Modeling and Rendering Impact Computer Graphics? (Paul Debevec (moderator), Frank Crow, Henry Fuchs, Don Greenberg, Steve Seitz) | |
6:00 | Free time | |
7:00 | Workshop banquet, Stanford Faculty Club | |
Wednesday 3/25 | 9:00am | 3D-warping Research at UNC (Gary Bishop) |
10:00 | Break and demos | |
11:00 | Image-Based Rendering using Image-Warping: Comparisons and Contrasts (Leonard McMillan) | |
12:00 | Lunch (provided) | |
1:30 | Geometric Approach for Match Moving and Image-based Rendering (Olivier Faugeraus) | |
2:30 | Visible Means of Support (Lance Williams) | |
3:30 | Closing remarks | |
3:45 | End of workshop |
All technical talks and the panel will be held in the HP auditorium (room B01) of Gates Hall.
The poster session will be in Wing 3B of Gates Hall.
Breaks will be in the lobby outside room B01.
Box lunches will be provided in room 104.
Click here for directions to Gates Hall.
Click here if you wish to participate in the poster/demo sessions.
For those who need hotel accommodations in the Stanford area, a limited number of rooms have been set aside at the Palo Alto Holiday Inn. This hotel, whose name will change to the Sheraton Inn sometime in the next few months, will also be the site of a workshop reception on Sunday evening, March 22. If you would like to stay at the Holiday Inn, call them directly at 650/328-2800. Tell them you are with the "Image-Based Modeling and Rendering" workshop, and you will receive a group rate of $129/night. This reduced rate is guaranteed only for the three nights of Sunday through Tuesday, March 22 through 24.
There is a severe shortage of hotel rooms in Silicon Valley these days, so you should book your accommodations soon after sending in your email registration request.
The Holiday Inn is at the corner of El Camino Real and University Avenue in Palo Alto. The welcoming reception on Sunday evening from 7:00 - 10:00pm will be held here. If you leave the hotel on University Avenue and head south/west (away from town), you will first cross El Camino (the crossing is an overpass, not a level crossing), then you will reach the main gate for Stanford University. At this point, the road changes its name from University Avenue to Palm Drive. From here, it is easy to get to Gates Hall and the workshop venues. Click here for directions.
If you arrive on Sunday evening, March 22, there will be a welcoming reception in the Holiday Inn from 7:00pm until 10:00pm. In the tradition of Siggraph receptions, heavy hors d'oeuvres will be served. Also at the reception will be a registration table. If you have pre-registered for the workshop, you may pick up your registration packet at this time. Your packet will contain a name tag, a schedule of sessions, and other useful information. If you arrive on Monday morning, March 23, there will be a registration table set up in the basement level lobby of Gates Hall, outside of room B01, where the technical sessions will take place.
Please note: registration for this workshop is closed. If you have not already registered for the conference, we unfortunately cannot accommodate you. The room is full!
Although this is not Siggraph, we will try to provide you with some basic on-site services. Specifically:
Nick England of UNC has created an emailing list for people interested in image-based rendering. Among the many uses of this list, announcements related to the workshop will be posted there. To join the list, send email to
majordomo@cs.unc.eduplacing the following single line in the message body:
subscribe image-based-renderingTo unsubscribe, place the following line in the message body:
unsubscribe image-based-rendering