The ZipPack Polygon Mesh Zippering Package

Zipper is a program for combining range images into a polygonal mesh. It was specifically created to more fully use range images acquired from a Cyberware range scanner. With appropriate file conversion, however, there is nothing preventing the use of zipper with range images taken with other scanners.

The research results from the "zipper" program are described in the article: Zippered Polygon Meshes from Range Images, by Greg Turk and Marc Levoy, published in the Siggraph 94 Proceedings. The source code for zipper is available free of charge for non-commercial use. The software was written by Greg Turk. This software distribution was prepared by Hua (Grace) Ge and Brian Curless.

Table of Contents

ZipPack Software Distribution

The current release of ZipPack is version 1.14. There are three independent pieces of the release which you can retrieve by clicking on the headings in the following list. These items are available by anonymous ftp to in the directory pub/zippack .
Zipper (1,500K bytes compressed)
Compressed tar file containing the source code and an executable file (zipper) which is compiled for SGI Irix 5.3. Save it as zipper-1.14.tar.Z and type "zcat zipper-1.14.tar.Z | tar xf -" to unpack the source (or if your Web browser automatically uncompresses files then use cat instead of zcat). Then look at the README file in the unpacked source for further instructions.
Ply (31K bytes compressed)
Compressed tar file containing routines for reading and writing the PLY polygon file format. The zipper program reads individual polygon meshes stored as .ply files, and writes zippered polygon meshes as .ply file as well. The software here provides user the ability to read and write the individual and zippered meshes. Save it as ply-1.1.tar.Z and type "zcat ply-1.1.tar.Z | tar xf -" to unpack the source (or if your Web browser automatically uncompresses files then use cat instead of zcat). Then look at the README file in the unpacked source for more information.

ZipPack is currently unsupported and is offered to the research community "as is". You are welcome to report bugs to , but we cannot guarantee that we will fix them in a timely manner.

ZipPack Sample Dataset

Sample data of a telephone handset and a clay bunny are provided here. They are in the .ply file format, containing both range images and polygon meshes. Click here or use anonymous ftp to in the directory pub/zippack/data .

ZipPack Documentation

Zipper User's Manual

Zipper Mailing List

We have started a new mailing list ( to keep people abreast of updates to ZipPack. To get on the mailing list or to ask questions about ZipPack, send a message to:

Last update: 28 August 1995