
Volumetric Range Image Processing Package

VripPack is a package for volumetrically merging a set of range images. Developed as part of our project to build a 3D fax machine, it is based on a new approach to surface reconstruction from range images (see Brian Curless and Marc Levoy , A Volumetric Method for Building Complex Models from Range Images, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH96).

Table of Contents

VripPack Overview

VripPack is a set of scripts and binaries for creating surface reconstructions from range images. This package has the following features:

At the moment, the binaries are only compiled for SGI platforms. However, the volumetric range merging code is written in a machine independent manner and will be available soon. The viewer, plyview, is based on OpenGL and is also portable across platforms.

VripPack Software Distribution

The current release of VripPack is version 0.1beta5, which is a beta release. This release and some additional information are available by anonymous ftp to graphics.stanford.edu in the directory pub/vrippack .
VripPack (2.6 MB compressed, 7.5 MB uncompressed)
Compressed tar file containing scripts and binaries. Save it as vrippack-0.1b5.tar.gz and type "gunzip -c vrippack-0.1b5.tar.gz | tar xf -" to unpack the package.

If you decide to use the software then please add yourself to our mailing list so we can tell you about bug fixes and new versions of the software. (This mailing list is very low volume.) Just send a message to:


Distribution notice

Copyright © 1996 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University. All rights reserved.

Except for commercial resale, lease, license or other commercial transactions, permission is hereby given to use, copy, and/or modify this software, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of this software. No part of this software or any derivatives thereof may be used in the production of computer models for resale or for use in a commercial product.

This software is provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind, express, implied or otherwise, including without limitation, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

VripPack Documentation

The documentation is availble in two forms:

Last update: 21 October 1996