
The VolPack Volume Rendering Library

VolPack is a portable software library for volume rendering. Developed as part of our volume rendering research project, it is based on a new family of fast volume rendering algorithms (see Philippe Lacroute and Marc Levoy , Fast Volume Rendering Using a Shear-Warp Factorization of the Viewing Transformation, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH94). The library comes with vprender, a demonstration volume rendering application based on the Tcl scripting language, the Tk widget set, and VolPack. The source code for VolPack and vprender is available free of charge for non-commercial use. The software was written by Philippe Lacroute.

Table of Contents

VolPack Overview

VolPack is a software library for fast, high-quality volume rendering. The library has the following features: The library is intended for use in C or C++ programs but may be useful with other programming languages. The current implementation does not support perspective projections or clipping planes. These features will be added in a future release.

The library does not use any specialized hardware and is therefore portable to most platforms, yet it achieves very fast rendering times. On an SGI Indigo workstation a 256^3 voxel volume can be rendered in about one second.

VolPack Software Distribution

The current release of VolPack is version 1.0beta3, which is a beta release. There are several independent pieces of the release which you can retrieve by clicking on the headings in the following list. These items and some additional information are available by anonymous ftp to graphics.stanford.edu in the directory pub/volpack .
VolPack (1024K bytes compressed)
Compressed tar file containing source code for the library routines. Save it as volpack-1.0b3.tar.Z and type "zcat volpack-1.0b3.tar.Z | tar xf -" to unpack the source (or if your Web browser automatically decompresses files then use cat instead of zcat). Look at the README file in the unpacked source for further installation instructions.
vprender (245K bytes compressed)
Compressed tar file containing source code for the vprender application, a demonstration volume rendering program. Save it as vprender-2.0b.tar.Z and type "zcat vprender-2.0b.tar.Z | tar xf -" to unpack the source (or if your Web browser automatically decompresses files then use cat instead of zcat). Then look at the README file in the unpacked source for further installation instructions. Vprender requires the VolPack library and the Tcl/Tk command language libraries. The README file describes how to get Tcl/Tk if you do not already have it.

If you decide to use the software then please add yourself to our mailing list so we can tell you about bug fixes and new versions of the software. Just send a message to:

with the message body:
subscribe volpack-announce

VolPack Documentation

VolPack User's Guide

For other information about VolPack or vprender, send email to:


Last update: 4 January 1995