Compression of synthetic images

Although the "digital convergence" (of computers and video) is well underway, the convergence of computer graphics and video technology has only begun. A key problem in this area is developing efficient ways to compress the data used in graphics algorithms: geometric models, synthetic images, textures, and volumes. Among the questions we are addressing in this research are:

This project is currently inactive.


Recent papers in this area:

Polygon-Assisted JPEG and MPEG Compression of Synthetic Images
Marc Levoy
Proc. Siggraph '95
Model-Based Motion Estimation for Synthetic Animations
Maneesh Agrawala, Andrew Beers and Navin Chaddha
Proc. ACM Multimedia '95
Rendering from Compressed Textures
Andrew Beers, Maneesh Agrawala and Navin Chaddha
Proc. SIGGRAPH '96

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A list of technical papers, with abstracts and pointers to additional information, is also available. Or you can return to the research projects page or our home page.

Copyright © 1995 Marc Levoy
Last update: February 19, 2006 11:37:59 PM