In extending the warping algorithm of the previous paragraph to
multiple element pairs, we adhere to the intuitive mental model of
magnetic sculpting used in [2]. Each pair of elements
defines a field that extends throughout the volume. A collection of
element pairs defines a collection of fields, all of which
influence each point in the volume. We therefore use a weighted
averaging scheme to determine the point in
corresponds to each point
. That is, we first
compute to what point
each element pair would map
in the absence of all other pairs; then, we average the
's using a weighting function that depends on the distance
to the interpolated elements
Our weighting scheme uses an inverse square law: is
weighted by
where d is the distance of
from the element
is a small
constant used to avoid division by zero.
The type of element
determines how d is calculated:
The reader will notice that the point, segment, and rectangle element types are redundant, as far as the mathematical formulation of our warp is concerned. However, a variety of element types maintains best the intuitive conceptual analogy to magnetic sculpting.