Recording/digitizing a live session at a PC computer monitor
This deals with digitizing a live session from a PC you hauled into
the video lab in the new setup. For old instructions including
use of radiance, see here.
Main steps
- Bring your PC into the video lab. Hook your PC up to the Folsom
scan converter and a
monitor, as discussed below.
- Use telect to hook the folsom (nee lyonlamb) to your digitizing source.
The old documentation deals
with using moviola to digitize. The instructions below deal
with zoetrope only.
- Set premiere capture settings to capture component (CAV)
video. Hit record and stop in premiere. I'll leave someone
else to document the details in premiere; the default settings
are quite reasonable; try restarting premiere if it doesn't work.
Step 1: Hooking up your PC Method 1 (VGA)
- There are two long VGA cables connected to the Folsom. One is
labelled VGA on Folsom from PC, and the other From Folsom
Passthru to monitor. Both cables are black, and the monitor
cable has a small female to female adapter on it. Connect the
one "from PC" to your PC, and the other one to a monitor.
Surface currently uses these cables; replace with your PC.
- The folsom settings should be set correctly. I've (Ravi)
found that any resolution on your VGA should be fine. You can
adjust the Folsom zoom and pan controls [push menu and you'll
find these quite intuitively]. The important thing to
note is the input settings. Make sure that the input is set
to VGA (instead of BNC), that termination is set to Hi-Z
instead of 75 ohm, and that test pattern is off
- To see what's happening, middle-click on the Lyon Lamb and left-click on one of the monitors.
Step 1: Hooking up your PC Method 2 (BNC)
- There is a VGA to BNC cable coming from the extron box. Hook
the VGA cable to your PC. The output BNC cables near the extron
box are for a monitor, if you choose to connect them.
- Use the patch panel to connect Extra PC to VDA input. Then,
connect the VDA outputs to the following 1) Lyonlamb 2) a
suitable monitor (this could be extra PC mon if you use those
cables, or moviola or radiance C monitors).
- The folsom settings should be set correctly. I've (Ravi)
found that a VGA resolution of 1152x864 or lower appears to
work. You might
need to power-cycle the Folsom if you change resolutions. You can
adjust the Folsom zoom and pan controls [push menu and you'll
find these quite intuitively]. The important thing to
note is the input settings. Make sure that the input is set
to BNC (instead of VGA), that termination is set to 75 Ohm
instead of Hi-Z, and that test pattern is off
- To see what's happening, middle-click on the Lyon Lamb and left-click on one of the monitors.
Step 2: Telect Folsom to Zoetrope and see Zoetrope output
Perform the following magic incantation on a crossbar window.
- telect -i lyonlamb -o zoetrope [This connects the scan
converter to zoetrope (NTSC, CAV, SDI, audio)].
- telect -i zoetrope -o fs1 [This is for output; make sure fs1
input is on CAV]
- telect -i fs1 -o monitor/deck [This could be 20mon or vhsrec,
so you can see what's going on].
- telect -l audio -i zoetrope -o monitor/deck [audio does not route
through fs1 currently]
Step 3: Capturing in premiere
The only important thing to make sure is that you're capturing
CAV video and Balanced (XLR) audio. You should be able to see things on the TV nearby on
line B. If things don't work, try restarting premiere; this
worked for me once.
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Last modified: Fri Feb 22 01:50:19 PST 2002