This is a CT scan of the Stanford Bunny.

Three hundred sixty-two files comprise the bunny.  The scale of the
voxel data is 0.337891 mm x 0.337891 mm x 0.5mm in the x-, y-, and z-
dimensions respectively.  The greyscale units are Hounsfield units,
denoting electron-density of the subject.  The data is raw 512x512
slices, unsigned, 12 bit data stored as 16bit (2-byte) pixels.

The scan was completed 28 January 2000.

Many many thanks to Geoff Rubin who helped me to scan the data, Sandy
Napel who coordinated the scan and helped to process the data, and
Marc Levoy who graciously provided the subject.  Geoff and Sandy are
with Stanford Radiology, and Marc is with Stanford Computer Science.

Dataset Contact info:

Terry S. Yoo
High Performance Computing and Communications     
National Library of Medicine                  National Institutes of Health
Thu Aug 10 13:56:19 EDT 2000