Fun Modifications In order to give our version of The Impressionist some added flexibility, we equipped it with a set of colors, roughly corresponding to the rainbow scale of ROYGBIV, which the user may select in lieu of the basic impressionistic option. By selecting one of these colors, the user is able to "paint" the image, and thus the statue, in whatever style they please. In order to switch between the coloring option and the standard CS248 impressionistic style, the user must select the "Toggle Paintbrush" option from the menubar. Lastly, the user may select between two different algorithms for coloring the statue. In particular, this "Toggle Shading" option allows the user to enable a coloring system in which the RGB value of the chosen color is scaled by the shade of the pixel underneath. Thus, if a red paint (1, 0, 0) were being applied to a pixel at a location where the original image was a gray shade of (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), the resulting RGB value outputted to the screen would correspond to (1, 0, 0) * (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) = (0.5, 0, 0). It is important to note that this system assumes that the original image is of a greyscale format.