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Sets (set)


An instance S of the parameterized data type set<E> is a collection of elements of the linearly ordered type E, called the element type of S. The size of S is the number of elements in S, a set of size zero is called the empty set.


set<E> S; creates an instance S of type set<E> and initializes it to the empty set.



void S.insert(E x) adds x to S.
void S.del(E x) deletes x from S.
bool S.member(E x) returns true if x in S, false otherwise.
E S.choose() returns an element of S.
Precondition: S is not empty.
set<E> S.join(set<E> T) returns S <union> T.
set<E> S.diff(set<E> T) returns S - T.
set<E> S.intersect(set<E> T) returns S <intersection> T.
set<E> S.symdiff(set<E> T) returns the symetric difference of S and T.
set<E> S + T returns S.join(T).
set<E> S - T returns S.diff(T).
set<E> S & T returns S.intersect(T).
set<E> S  
set<E>& S += T assigns S.join(T) to S and returns S.
set<E>& S -= T assigns S.diff(T) to S and returns S.
set<E>& S &= T assigns S.intersect(T) to S and returns S.
set<E>& S  
bool S <= T returns true if S subset of T, false otherwise.
bool S >= T returns true if T subset of S, false otherwise.
bool S == T returns true if S = T, false otherwise.
bool S != T returns true if S != T, false otherwise.
bool S < T returns true if S proper subset of T, false otherwise.
bool S > T returns true if T proper subset of S, false otherwise.
bool S.empty() returns true if S is empty, false otherwise.
int S.size() returns the size of S.
void S.clear() makes S the empty set.


forall(x,S) $\{$ ``the elements of S are successively assigned to x'' $\}$


Sets are implemented by randomized search trees [2]. Operations insert, del, member take time O(log n), empty, size take time O(1), and clear takes time O(n), where n is the current size of the set.

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LEDA research project