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Rational Numbers (rational)


An instance q of type rational is a rational number where the numerator and the denominator are both of type integer.


rational q; creates an instance q of type rational.


q(integer n); creates an instance q of type rational and initializes it with the integer n.


q(integer n, integer d); creates an instance q of type rational and initializes its the rational number n/d.


q(double x); creates an instance q of type rational and initializes it with the value of x.



The arithmetic operations +, -, *, /, +=, -=, *=, /=, -(unary), ++, -, the comparison operations <, <=, >, >=, ==, != and the stream operations are all available.

integer q.numerator() returns the numerator of q.
integer q.denominator() returns the denominator of q.
rational& q.simplify(integer a) simplifies q by a.
Precondition: a divides the numerator and the denominator of q.
rational& q.normalize() normalizes q.
void q.negate() negates q.
void q.invert() inverts q.
rational q.inverse() returns the inverse of q.
double to_double() returns a double floating point approximation of q.
string q.to_string() returns a string representation of q.

Non-member functions

int sign(rational q) returns the sign of q.
rational abs(rational q) returns the absolute value of q.
rational sqr(rational q) returns the square of q.
integer trunc(rational q) returns the integer with the next smaller absolute value.
rational pow(rational q, int n) returns the n-th power of q.
rational pow(rational q, integer a)
    returns the a-th power of q.
integer floor(rational q) returns the next smaller integer.
integer ceil(rational q) returns the next bigger integer.
integer round(rational q) rounds q to the nearest integer.
double Double(rational q) returns a double floating point approximation of q.
rational small_rational_between(rational p, rational q)
    returns a rational number between p and q whose denominator is as small as possible.
rational small_rational_near(rational p, rational eps)
    returns a rational number between p - eps and p + eps whose denominator is as small as possible.


A rational is implemented by two integer numbers which represent the numerator and the denominator. The sign is represented by the sign of the numerator.

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LEDA research project