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Object Code Package

If you have unpacked an object code package, then your current working directory should contain the files libL.a, libG.a, libP.a, libW.a and lib3D.a.

To procede you have to modify your environment as follows:

set the the environment variable LEDAROOT to the path leda-root-path containing the extracted package. Use setenv LEDAROOT leda-root-path for csh/tcsh and LEDAROOT = leda-root-path; export LEDAROOT; for sh/bash.

Extend the command search path by including $LEDAROOT/Manual/cmd into your command search path (environment variable path (csh) or PATH (sh)) and call rehash (if required by your system).

You can produce shared libraries for the systems solaris, linux, irix, and hpux. Include $LEDAROOT into the LD_LIBRARY_PATH search path. Then goto $LEDAROOT and type make shared. This will construct the shared libraries,,,, and (*.sl for hpux).

For the online documentation tool go to $LEDAROOT and type make xlman to compile and link LEDA's interactive manual reader "xlman" and some demo programs. Now you can start "xlman" for reading and printing manual pages, starting demo programs and browsing more release notes.

You may want to ask your system adminstrator to install the header files and libraries in the system's default directories. Then you no longer have to specify header and library search paths on the compiler command line.

Remark: Of course you can also use LEDA if you do not have access to the standard directories of the compiler you're using. Section Libraries will tell you how.

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LEDA research project