Instructions on how to start:
- The game runs on Microsoft Windows OS.
- If you don't have Microsoft DirectX 8.1, download and install it first.
- Download and install Duco.
- Run the Duco game from your Desktop.
- Select default settings on the "Duco - Multiplayer Connect" dialog.
- Click Create button on the "Duco - Multiplayer Games" dialog.
- Choose some name for the game at the prompt dialog.
- Wait until the game loads.
- If you want to skip the Flash intro, press Escape and close the
Flash window.
- You will get a splash screen introducing you to the game. Press
Enter to play.
Instructions on how to play the game:
- Use the left mouse button to deform the terrain up.
- Use the right mouse button to deform the terrain down.
- Use both mouse buttons to charge up a fling force, position your light
near a crowd of people and let go of the mouse buttons. See the people fly.
The longer you charge up, the more fun it is.
- Using terrain deformations, force the people to one of two camps.
- Just for fun, pronounce "terrain" like you would pronounce the capital of
- Enjoy.
Any problems? Email