CS 248: Introduction to Computer Graphics
Pat Hanrahan
Note: Clicking on your name in this list will allow you to retrieve
your grades.
- Amit Aggarwal
- data@leland.stanford.edu
- Maag, Andrew
- andyo@cs.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~andyo/
- Chirag C. Bakshi
- bakshi@cardinal.stanford.edu
- Jian Bao
- jianbao@leland.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~jianbao/
- David Barnes
- barnes@apple.com
- Rod Brathwaite
- eagle@leland.stanford.edu
- Rupert Brauch
- brauch@hpp.stanford.edu
- Susan Cannon
- cannon@genmagic.com
- http://www.susanville.com/cannon.html/
- Jingjun Cao
- jjcao@cs.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford/~jingjun/
- Arancha Casal
- cas@flamingo.stanford.edu
- Christopher Chan
- csm@xenon.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~csm/
- Evan Chan
- efcmax@leland.stanford.edu
- http://www.stanford.edu/~efcmax/
- Xing Cindy Chen
- xcchen@gorf.stanford.edu
- Milton Chen
- miltchen@leland.stanford.edu
- Lai (Laura) Chen
- lchen@cs.stanford.edu
- Heyning A. Cheng
- heyning@Cs.stanford.edu
- Karen Kay Cheng
- karenkay@cs.stanford.edu
- Kok-Wui Cheong
- kwcheong@leland.stanford.edu
- Ching-Ling Chu
- gina@cs.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~ginachu/
- Mark Dao
- mdao@netserver.stanford.edu
- http://orchid.stanford.edu/~mdao/
- Brian Deng
- bdeng@adobe.com
- Derek
- derek.pappas@eng.sun.com
- Anastasia (Stacey) Doerr
- stacey@cs.stanford.edu
- Mary Jo Doherty
- doherty@sgi.com
- Anietie Ekanem
- anietiee@leland.stanford.edu
- Matthew Eldridge
- eldridge@graphics.stanford.edu
- http://www-graphics.stanford.edu/~eldridge/
- Doug Enright
- enright@sccm.stanford.edu
- http://www-sccm.stanford.edu/Students/enright/
- assana fard
- assana@vivaldi.eng.sun.com
- Pablo Molinero Fernandez
- molinero@leland.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~molinero/
- Robert C. Fishman
- fishman@apple.com
- Amit Ganesh
- amitg@cs.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/
- Claudio C. Garcia
- cgarcia@leland.stanford.edu
- Jim Geist
- jimge@cs.stanford.edu
- Denton Gentry
- denny.gentry@eng.sun.com
- Nolan Glantz
- nolan@cs.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~swollen/
- David W. Groves
- groves@vnet.ibm.com
- David W. Groves
- groves@vnet.ibm.com
- David W. Groves
- groves@vnet.ibm.com
- David W. Groves
- groves@vnet.ibm.com
- Kenneth Gunn
- gunn@leland.stanford.edu
- http://www.stanford.edu/~gunn/
- Liou-Tzung Guo
- ltguo@leland.stanford.edu
- Kevin Haas
- krazy@cs.stanford.edu
- http://www.stanford.edu/~krazy/
- Geoffrey M Halliwell
- geoffrey.halliwell@Sun.COM
- Eric Halpern
- ehalpern@cs.stanford.edu
- Michael Harville
- harville@leland.stanford.edu
- Ali Hortacsu
- hortacsu@leland.stanford.edu
- Yen-Fen Hsu
- yfhsu@leland.stanford.edu
- David Hsu
- dyhsu@cs.stanford.edu
- http://flamingo.stanford.edu/~dyhsu/
- Long Hu
- long@hal.com
- Patrick Hung
- pathung@leland.stanford.edu
- Doug Ihde
- dihde@cs.stanford.edu
- http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~dihde/
- Dwight Joe
- lemonade@leland.stanford.edu
- Peter Johnson
- pdj@camis.stanford.edu
- Terry Jones
- trj@cs.stanford.edu
- http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~trj/
- Ju-Hsien Kao
- jhkao@leland.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~jhkao/
- Saul Kato
- skato@leland.stanford.edu
- Charles Kendrick
- ckendrick@shgc.stanford.edu
- http://sketch.stanford.edu/
- Kirk S. Ketefian
- ketefian@cs.stanford.edu
- Maria Klemperer-Johnson
- klemp@cs.stanford.edu
- Yuval Koren
- yuval@sgi.com
- Jeffrey Kuskin
- jsk@havoc.stanford.edu
- Lisa Laane
- Laane@cs.stanford.edu
- http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~laane/
- Harry Lai
- schizoid@cs.stanford.edu
- patrick law
- plaw@sgi.com
- David Lee
- dwl@newton.apple.com
- Denis Leroy
- leroy@cs.stanford.edu
- http://suif.stanford.edu/~leroy/
- Dan Leshchiner
- dlesh@cs.stanford.edu
- kam leung
- kleung@pcocd2.intel.com
- Jan-Ray Liao
- janray@s-word.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~janray/
- Adam (AL) Lieb
- alster@leland.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~alster/
- Yung-Hsiang Lu
- luyung@leland.stanford.edu
- Per Magnusson
- sweden@leland.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~sweden/
- Petros Maniatis
- maniatis@cs.stanford.edu
- http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~maniatis/
- Prasad Mantri
- mantri@sgi.com
- Ricardo Matone
- rimatone@leland.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~rimatone/
- Graham Miller
- gjm@cs.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~howser/index.html/
- Gregory Mitchell
- gmitch@cs.stanford.edu
- Marc-Edouard Mondesir
- mondesir@leland.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~mondesir/
- James Morris
- jmorris@cs.stanford.edu
- http://www.stanford.edu/~happyman/
- David Murphy
- murph@cs.stanford.edu
- Michael Mysinger
- cybersol@leland.stanford.edu
- Krishna Nayak
- nayak@leland.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~nayak/
- Karla Vanessa Nema
- knema@leland.stanford.edu
- Lup Keen Ng
- lupkeen@leland.stanford.edu
- Rakesh Nigam
- rakesh@quake.stanford.edu
- Torbjorn Norbye
- tor@cs.stanford.edu
- http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~tor/
- Brian O'Connor
- bgoc@leland.stanford.edu
- brien oberstein
- brien@leland.stanford.edu
- John Owens
- jowens@graphics.stanford.edu
- http://www-graphics.stanford.edu/~jowens/
- Ki Khoon Pang
- kikhoon@cs.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~kikhoon/
- Mark Pascual
- markep@leland.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~markep/
- Marc Pawliger
- pawliger@adobe.com
- Lucas Pereira
- lucasp@cs.stanford.edu
- http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~lucasp/
- Derek Poppink
- thebard@leland.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~thebard/
- Kekoa Proudfoot
- kekoa@leland.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~kekoa/
- Chris Quaintance
- ccq@cs.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~ccq/
- Joe Rickson
- Joe_Rickson@smos.com
- Edgar Roman
- eroman@leland.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~eroman/
- Yossi Rubner
- rubner@cs.stanford.edu
- Szymon Rusinkiewicz
- smr@cs.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~smr/
- Mark A. Ruzon
- ruzon@cs.stanford.edu
- http://robotics.stanford.edu/users/ruzon/home.html/
- Michael Schroepfer
- michaelt@cs.stanford.edu
- Deron Sedy
- dsedy@leland.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~dsedy/
- Deepinder Singh Setia
- dsetia@sgi.com
- http://reality.sgi.com/employees/dsetia/
- Sameer Shamsuddin
- maddog@leland.stanford.edu
- Bob Shaw
- bs@sgi.com
- Steve Shepard
- sjs@sgi.com
- Danny Siu
- dsiu@mv.us.adobe.com
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~dsiu/
- Mike Slemmer
- slemmer@cs.stanford.edu
- http://rescomp.stanford.edu/~raistlin/
- Smita
- smita@cs.stanford.edu
- Greg Snyder
- gregs@cs.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~gregs/
- Klaus Strelau
- strelau@applelink.apple.com
- Johnny Szeto
- jszeto@leland.stanford.edu
- Wing-Cheong Tang
- kevint@leland.stanford.edu
- Yasuhiro Tawara
- tawara@leland.Stanford.EDU.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.Stanford.EDU/~tawara/
- Chee-Han Tee
- cheehan@leland.stanford.edu
- Daniel Thedens
- thedens@isl.stanford.edu
- http://www-isl.stanford.edu/people/thedens/
- Paul Thilking
- pault@asd.sgi.com
- Howard Knut Thompson
- hkthom@cs.stanford.edu
- Xin Tong
- xin@leland.stanford.edu
- Ching-Feng Tsai
- marktsai@summit.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~marktsai/home.html/
- Shing Sheung Tse
- shingtse@leland.stanford.edu
- Melissa Tseng
- mtseng@cs.stanford.edu
- Eric Tucker
- et@cs.stanford.edu
- http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~et/
- Ramana Vakkalagadda
- ramana@sgi.com
- Samuel Varghese
- varghese@cs.stanford.edu
- http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~varghese/
- vidyasub@cs.stanford.edu
- James Z. Wang
- wang@gauss.stanford.edu
- http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~wangz/
- mei wang
- wmei@leland.stanford.edu
- Li-Yi Wei
- liyiwei@leland.stanford.edu
- Li-Yi Wei
- liyiwei@leland.stanford.edu
- Robert Williamson
- sparkles@leland.stanford.edu
- Benjamin Wu
- bwu@cs.stanford.edu
- Thomas Wu
- tjw@leland.stanford.edu
- http://tjwww.stanford.edu/~tjw/
- James Yao
- denison@leland.stanford.edu
- Chris Yeo
- cyeo@leland.stanford.edu
- Kenneth Grant Yocum
- light@leland.stanford.edu
- Yeogirl Yun
- yygirl@cs.stanford.edu
- http://robotics.stanford.edu/~yygirl/
- Li Zhang
- lizhang@leland.stanford.edu
- http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~lizhang/
- Tong Zheng
- tzheng@leland.stanford.edu
- Yuan Zhou
- yzhou@leland.stanford.edu
Copyright © 1996 Pat Hanrahan
Last update: 18 January 1996 by
Andrew C. Beers