The textbook is big - over 1000 pages. We won't cover all of it in one course. To give you an idea what we will cover, here is a list of the four graphics courses currently offered at Stanford. Of these four, three are lecture courses based on material from the textbook: 248, 348A, and 348B. For these three courses, the list also shows the chapters they cover. Don't interpret this list too literally; the ordering of chapters in the textbook is not necessarily followed in the courses. In addition, the 300-level courses cover their topics in greater detail than the chapters listed, and they use other books.
1 - Introduction
3 - Basic Raster Graphics Algorithms for Drawing 2D Primitives
4 - Graphics Hardware
5 - Geometrical Transformations
6 - Viewing in 3D
15 - Visible-Surface Determination
16 - Illumination and Shading (an introduction)
5 - Geometrical Transformations (in more detail than 248)
6 - Viewing in 3D (in more detail than 248)
11 - Representing Curves and Surfaces
12 - Solid Modeling
15 - Visible-Surface Determination (in more detail than 248)
13 - Achromatic and Colored Light
14 - The Quest for Visual Realism (esp. 14.10 - Aliasing and Antialiasing)
16 - Illumination and Shading (in more detail than 248)
17 - Image manipulation and Storage
Some background in graphics is expected of students taking the 300-level courses, usually fulfilled by taking 248. Otherwise, there is no required ordering among the courses. For more information of these courses, look at our courses home page.