Copyright protection

General rules for text and images

The text and images contained in these web pages is protected by copyright law. Permission is hereby given to make copies (hardcopy or electronic) for personal use, subject to the exceptions enumerated in the remaining sections of this page. However, publishing these copies, using them in courses or public presentations, placing them on web pages outside of our laboratory, or creating a mirror site for them requires the express permission of the authors. This restriction includes course notes and talk slides. This notice applies to all web pages whose URLs begin with

The laboratory logo

The banner image at the top of this page and the three-dimensional Stanford "S" image contained within it are also copyrighted. Permission is hereby given to reuse the banner image in its entirety, even to incorporate it into web pages, but only as a clearly labeled representation of the Stanford Computer Graphics Laboratory. All other use requires the express permission of the laboratory.

Published papers

The online copies of our published papers are subject to additional restrictions as defined by the various publishers. Please contact the author (or the publisher) for details. For ACM papers, see the following section.

ACM papers (including Siggraph proceedings)

ACM, as a professional society, has a more liberal copyright policy than most publishers. This policy is still in flux, and many people, including many members of ACM, disagree with it. For the time being, the Stanford Computer Graphics Laboratory is attempting to work within the guidelines of the policy. ACM's current position on electronic copies of published papers is:

ACM's official copyright notice
"The documents distributed by this server have been provided by the contributing authors as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a noncommercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder."

Images from the Digital Michelangelo Project

The photographic images and computer renderings of Michelangelo's statues and architecture, and of the Digital Forma Urbis Romae, that appear on the web pages of the Digital Michelangelo Project and Digital Forma Urbis Romae Project are the property of the members of those projects, Stanford University, the Superintendency of Fine Arts of Florence, and the City of Rome. Aside from the ephemeral downloading and copying associated with browsing the web, they may not be copied, downloaded and stored, forwarded, or reproduced in any form, including electronic forms, without express written permission from the project director Marc Levoy. Any commerical use also requires written permission from the Italian authorities. Permission is hereby given to reuse the project's logo image in its entirety, even to incorporate it into web pages, but only as a clearly labeled representation of the Digital Michelangelo Project. All other use requires the express permission of the project director. Our models of Michelangelo's statues have additional restrictions, as described on the web pages of our archive of 3D models.

Our official agreement with the superintendency in Florence
English: "These models, images, and photographs [of Michelangelo's statues that appear on the Digital Michelangelo Project's web pages] are the property of the Digital Michelangelo Project and the Soprintendenza ai beni artistici e storici per le province di Firenze, Pistoia, e Prato. They may not be copied, downloaded and stored, forwarded, or reproduced in any form, including electronic forms such as email or the web, by any persons, regardless of purpose, without express written permission from the project director Marc Levoy. Any commerical use also requires written permission from the Soprintendenza."

Italiano: "Questi modelli elaborati al computer, immagini computerizzate, e fotografiche sono propriet� del Progetto Digitale Michelangelo e la Soprintendenza Per I Beni Artistici e Storici per le Province di Firenze, Pistoia e Prato. Non possono essere copiati, scaricati da internet su un file, inviati, o riprodotti in nessuna forma, incluso la posta elettronica o il web, da nessuna persona per nessun motivo, senza un permesso scritto da Marc Levoy, il direttore del progetto. Eventuali usi commerciali esigono anche il permesso scritto dalla Soprintendenza."