Descent: 0 feet (0 m)
The southern end of Crestview climbs up from Edgewood to Melendy in
San Carlos. The street is very wide and fairly straight, so the 30+
mph traffic can leave you room to climb. Over the summit, it drops
back down to Ralston Ave in Belmont. There is a barricade at the
Belmont/San Carlos border (where the name changes to Hallmark), but
bikes can pass through.
Altimeter altitude
(Altitude linearly interpolated from altimeter
samples, and smoothed with a 0.04mi gaussian.)

Each horizontal line is 100 feet. Each vertical
line is 0.2 miles. Gradiometer grade
(Grade linearly interpolated from gradiometer
samples, and smoothed with a 0.04mi gaussian.)

Each horizontal line is 2% grade. Each vertical
line is 0.2 miles. Altimeter grade
(Grade linearly interpolated from altimeter
samples, and smoothed with a 0.20mi gaussian.)

Each horizontal line is 2% grade. Each vertical
line is 0.2 miles. Comparison of grades
(Green grade is from the gradiometer, magenta grade
is from the altimeter, and white is where they

Each horizontal line is 2% grade. Each vertical
line is 0.2 miles.
Overall (averaging my first 20 hills),
the gradiometer grade averages 0.63 (% grade)
higher than the altimeter grade, with a standard
deviation of 4.5 (% grade per road).
This error may be due to:
Uneven sampling -- I take more samples when the
hill gets steep.
Calibration error (of the gradiometer or
In the end, though, I think that each individual
sample is accurate to within about 2% for that
instantaneous segment of road. My results may
not always agree with my altimeter, but they are
generally repeatable within 1%. I think that
I just need to take more samples to generate
more accurate graphs.
Raw Data:
Dist Grade Alti. Location
---- ----- ------ --------
0.00 6% 280 start - Edgewood Road
0.04 9% 300
0.13 5% 330 1461
0.21 11% 350 speed limit 30 sign
0.26 15% 370 1347
0.30 15% 400 1325
0.35 16% 440 1307
0.42 15% 490 1291
0.45 15% 520 1261
0.50 16% 550 1231
0.54 1% 570 La Mesa
0.59 1% 580
0.65 1% 580 Brittan Ave
0.69 9% 590 1081
0.75 4% 610 1041
0.81 7% 630 1001
0.83 15% 640 995
0.88 13% 670 969
0.95 10% 720 935
1.00 11% 740 915
1.02 16% 760 909
1.05 14% 780 879
1.07 12% 790 Melendy
1.13 12% 820 795
1.17 6% 840 Coventry
1.27 10% 870 Normandy
1.31 5% 890 nice view
1.37 7% 900 Lewis Ranch Road
1.44 0% 910 top - 707 Crestview
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